Mozilla launches Social API directory

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 9, 2014

Mozilla implemented a Social API in the Firefox web browser back in 2012 which allowed social networks to integrate some of their functionality directly into the browser.

First to join was Facebook with its Messenger application and a handful of other providers followed. The api was improved in Firefox 27 adding support for running multiple networks in Firefox, something which was not supported before.

One of the core issues of the feature was that you had to visit a specific site on the developers website, e.g. Facebook, to install the provider in the browser.

This made it quite difficult to discover providers supporting the API among other things.

The Social API provider is installed in a sidebar in the browser that you can display or hide with the click of a button. Depending on the provider, it may display recent activity information, a chat window, or information related to the service such as new music.

firefox social network sidebar

Up until now, it was up to the developer to provide Firefox users of its service with access to the social service.

That's probably one of the main reasons why Mozilla has created a directory that lists all Social API providers that are currently available.

Here you find all supporting services listed and can activate them right away without having to visit another page to do so.

A total of eight services are listed on the page currently with Facebook being the big social network that everyone would expect to be found here. There is no Google+, no Twitter, no Instagram, but Pocket, Delicious, Mixi,Sphere, Cliqz, Weibo and Saavn instead.

Please note that Facebook Messenger is not available anymore. All you get is Facebook Share, a tool to share web contents on Facebook. It displays as a single icon instead of a sidebar menu.

To install them, visit the directory and click on the service that you are interested in. Here you find basic information about what it offers and a screenshot that previews how it looks like in the browser.

service installation prompt

A click on the activate now button displays a notification at the top about the process. Here you need to click on the enable services button to add it to Firefox.

Depending on your version, it may be displayed in a sidebar right away, or only as an icon in the browser's toolbar that you need to click on to display it.

You can manage all installed services on the about:addons page. Here you need to switch to Services to get a list of all installed providers. Providers can be removed from Firefox again, or disabled instead.


A central location alone won't help unless Mozilla promotes the page actively to its user base. I'm still skeptical when it comes to the feature as I do not really have a use for it. While I'm not a heavy social networking user, being one usually means that you are on the site of the network anyway.

Are you using services in Firefox? If so which and for what purpose?


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  1. PhoneyVirus said on April 12, 2014 at 8:19 pm

    Definitely a Troll, I like that Firefox’s Social API supports Delicious, even though I don’t use it anymore and favor Xmarks, because deleting bookmarks in delicious can be really difficult. Thanks for the little Tutorial.

  2. GodHatesMozilla said on April 10, 2014 at 8:07 am

    What’s a troll?Someone who has a view or opinion or fact that differs from your bigoted self?
    What is beyond question is the scum at Mozilla believe in equality EXCEPT if an employee has a view that the company disagrees with.
    His crime:supporting traditional marriage between a man & woman.The very bedrock of society since the beginning of time.
    We live in a sick society when a CEO finds himself having to apologize for a certain viewpoint.

    1. Andrew said on April 10, 2014 at 5:42 pm

      GodHatesMozilla, maybe you wouldn’t seem like a troll so much if you didn’t spew out such hate speech “gay mafia terrorists” and “gay terrorists”, not to mention the name that you used is a play on the “god hates f*gs” that the westboro baptist churches use on their signs, which that church has been classified as a hate group. It would be a funny name if you weren’t spewing the hate speech. Not sure why the hell you would want to relate yourself with that Church in some way.

      So, if you don’t want to be considered a troll, then stay on topic and cut out the “gay terrorists” crap. Also, cite your sources of these “independent reports”. The official statement is that it wasn’t force resignation.

      1. Andrew said on April 10, 2014 at 5:58 pm

        “queer mafia” “gay terrorists” “gay mafia terrorists”… right… When you claim a group of people that has a specific sexual orientation as terrorists, it’s hate speech. What next… you’re going to complain about the “gay agenda”?

        Calling me a dumb fuck means nothing when it comes from a bigot/troll.

        and cite your sources…

      2. GodHatesMozilla said on April 10, 2014 at 5:53 pm

        Moron,what the hell are you on about?GodHatesMozilla is sod all to do with westboro baptists.Your tiny mind has run amock with the most childish imagination.
        Also,where’s the hate speech?I’m stating facts,Relating what has actually happened,idiot.
        I repeat… a CEO has been forced to resign because the queer mafia took exception to his freedom of expression,namely supporting traditional marriage.
        In your moronic book,pointing that out is hate speech you dumb fuck.

    2. sh said on April 10, 2014 at 2:47 pm

      Again, your comment has nothing to do with SocialAPI or SocialAPI directory. And it’s wrong.

      1. GodHatesMozilla said on April 10, 2014 at 5:47 pm

        Just having that scumbag name Mozilla or Firefox in the first sentence is enough for me to out them for ceding to the queer mafia.SocialAPI is just secondary.

  3. GodHatesMozilla said on April 9, 2014 at 3:09 pm

    I wouldn’t use anything with the Mozilla stamp on it after what they did to B. Eich.The gay mafia terrorist scum hounded him out just because he contributed 1k to Proposition 8.Seems freedom of race & sexual orientation is absolutely mandatory but not freedom of speech,expression or opinion.Fuck Mozilla bastards.In their book it is compulsory to support queer marriage & anyone who doesn’t is trashed.

    1. Andrew said on April 9, 2014 at 5:53 pm

      Judging by your comment it seems that freedom of speech, expression or opinion is just fine…

      Read sh’s response and get your ish straight.

    2. sh said on April 9, 2014 at 4:11 pm

      1. Eich has stepped down, please read:
      2. It has absolutely nothing to do with SocialAPI or SocialAPI directory.
      3. Your comment is ordinary.

      1. sh said on April 10, 2014 at 1:36 am

        Okay, you are a troll. It’s difficult to take somebody seriously with “GodHatesMozilla” as name.

      2. GodHatesMozilla said on April 9, 2014 at 7:14 pm

        Of course Mozilla would say that wouldn’t they.Every other independant report states he was forced to resign due to gay terrorists.
        I don’t care whether it’s got anything to do with SocialAPI or not,it is still Mozilla related.
        What do you expect it to be extraordianary.A comment is a comment.Full stop.

  4. Maelish said on April 9, 2014 at 2:36 pm

    Just an fyi, might be interested in developer links next time.

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