Twitch! Contacts Formatter brings order into Android's contacts database
When I look at the contacts database of my Android phone I notice that it uses several different number formats when it comes to the telephone number. Some numbers include the country code for example while others do not, and some use a slash to separate the area code while others do not.
That's not a big issue considering that Android seems to support multiple different formats without any issues, but if you prefer an ordered list instead, you may want to check out Twitch! Contacts Formatter for the Android operating system.
The application provides you with single-click options to standardize the phone number format of some or all contacts that are currently listed in the phone's contact database. The application displays all current contacts in list form on start. Here you see the name and phone number at first. A click on hide and the selection of show adds the country to the table.
The application checks all valid numbers that can be standardized are selected by default so that you only have to go through the list to make sure that everything is in order before you hit the save button so that all selected phone numbers use the same format from that moment on.
The program supports national and international formats, with international being selected by default. The international format starts with the country code +1 followed by the area code -800 and the actual phone number 123-4567 (result +1-800-123-4567).
The national format on the other hand will customize phone numbers based on Google's standard for that country. US phone numbers will show up as (xxx) xxx-xxxx while German ones are displayed as xxxx-xxx-xxxx instead.
Invalid numbers are highlighted with a (!) symbol next to their phone number. All shortcode numbers that may have been added automatically by your mobile phone provider fall into that category for instance. It is probably best to ignore those.
The program detects the country based on the country code of the SIM card. It is possible to change that country, which may be useful if you are living abroad but want to use a different format for local numbers.
Twitch! Contacts Formatter is a useful application if you want to switch the default phone number format on your phone, or use a single phone number format for all contacts that you have added to it.