Evernote adds "Related Results" to its Chrome app

Evernote has become a prevalent part of the lives of many of us. It works on the web, with browser extensions and across mobile platforms. Think of something you need to add to your shopping list? Add it on your computer and when your are at the store it will be there on your smartphone. Now the company has updated its popular Evernote Web Clipper extension for the Chrome web browser.
The new update brings a unique feature -- a related results option that will appear next to search results. What does this mean? Andrew Sinkov of Evernote explained it this way -- "Now, Evernote users will start benefiting from all the smarts built into search engines to find memories and notes stored in their Evernote accounts."
If you already have the Evernote Web Clipper installed in Chrome then you will notice a new option the next time you click on the extension icon to sign in (provided you have restarted Chrome since the update launched). It is simply a check box that says "Show Related Results when you search the web".
Once enabled you can head to Google or Bing or whatever your choice is and try doing a search. If your search involves something that is stored in one of your Evernote notebooks then a message will appear to the right of the search results.
If you haven't used Web Clipper then let me explain a bit more. The extension allows you to save images of the web pages you visit.
Once on a site that you want to save for future reference you click on the icon in the menu bar at the top right of Chrome and choose from several options -- shrink selection, expand selection, move selection and clip article. This allows you to get as much or as little of the page as you want.
Evernote is free and cross-platform compatible. There is also a pro version in case you find yourself needing more space or features.

They’re comletely ignoring Firefox users. Their addons are broken and this has been reported many times both on their own forums and firefox’s addon site but they are not fixing it. And now Chrome has been updated? Chrome didn’t even need an update.
So now I have to switch to Chrome completely to use Evernote. Well, thank you for that. They know how to piss of a user.