Reasons why you do not want Windows 8
After giving you ten reasons why you should upgrade to Windows 8, it is now time to give you reasons why you may not want to upgrade to Windows 8. This is not a top ten list, and it does not have to be one as you do not need ten or more reasons not to switch. If there is one thing that is bothering you or keeping you from upgrading, it is sufficient. When you look around on various sites and read the comments, you will notice that you can reduce the core arguments against Windows 8 to four or maybe five different points.
Reasons against Windows 8
Without doubt the number one reason not to upgrade to Windows 8. The split user interface, and the enforcement of it by Microsoft, changes how you work with the operating system. Microsoft wants you to boot into the start page, and the main reason that I think it wants that is to push Windows Store as it add a new revenue model for the company. It is like Blizzard not only integrating an auction house in Diablo 3, but creating the whole game around it to make lots of money from transactions from users who bought the game.
The user interface displays a list of tiles, some static, some dynamic, when you load it. These tiles load apps that always run in full screen. If you have a large enough monitor, you can snap apps on the left or right side to use one third of the space, so that another takes the remaining two thirds. There is no way to display more than two apps at the same time on the screen, even if you have a 30" monitor. The majority of default apps that ship with the operating system are basic apps. The mail app for instance does not let you change the layout of how mails are displayed.
The interface is also criticized for being touch centric. This may be great for mobile devices that support touch - of which there are not really that many available in the Windows world yet - but not so great for desktop users. The Charms bar for instance is displayed when you move the mouse to the lower right or upper right corner of the screen, or when you press Windows-C. Here you then navigate through a series of menus, for instance to open the control panel or shut down the computer. And while you get shortcuts for some of the activities here, you do not for others.
And those menus are also used on the desktop. Microsoft has done away with the start menu, which has been one of the core features of previous versions of Windows. The start menu linked to the control panel, installed programs, search and various other system tools. Part of its functionality has been moved to the Charms Bar. The search on the other hand redirects you to the start page interface where you can start typing right away. The issue here is that switching interfaces during search is something that you need to get used to. It is not that bad once you do, but an option to search right from the desktop would have been appreciated by many users.
A closed system
If you want to use all of the operating system's functionality, you need to sign in with a free Microsoft account to do so. If you do, you get features such as the syncing of preferences with the cloud, easier password recovery options and access to the Windows Store. The account is not needed, and you can run Windows 8 using a local account if you want to, but that would mean that you can't install any new apps that appear in the store on the system. While you can still install apps that are not offered in the store, you'd lose out on the majority of apps here.
Apps obviously are not really something that desktop workers may be interested in, especially since there are always alternatives available that you can install right away on your system. The store does not offer anything that experienced Windows users can't get as a software program or online service. The store makes available apps in a safe environment though, which regular users may prefer over downloading applications from an Internet site that they may not trust as much as Microsoft.
But the store is a closed system, one that is controlled entirely by Microsoft. It is not different from how Apple or Google run their stores, and you will find that all block certain types of apps from appearing in the store. While that is not that of an issue for Windows 8 users, as they may install desktop applications instead to add the functionality to their systems, it may very well be one for software developers. And what is keeping Microsoft from expanding the store in future versions of Windows to include desktop applications as well?
Training and business environments
If your company computer's are largely running on Windows XP, and you know that extended support for the operating system runs out in two years time, would you prefer to upgrade those systems to Windows 7 or Windows 8? The core benefit of upgrading to Windows 7 is that you do not have to spend that many resources in training employees to work with the new operating system. While you get some new features, like the improved taskbar or a start menu that looks slightly different, the Windows 7 operating system itself is nearly identical in what's where and how things are working to Windows XP.
Compare that to Windows 8 and you will have to train employees to work with the new start page, or at least how to get out of it, how to use the Charms Bar, the new search, and how to work without a start menu.
Apps are not really that suitable for business environments as they run fullscreen all the time. And while you can display two next to each other on one screen, or use a multi-monitor setup to display both the start page and the desktop, it is not really something that adds value to day to day operations for most companies. To make matters worse, there is no official way of bypassing the start page altogether. Instead of relying on the Group Policy to bypass the start page, you either have to use one of the available hacks to do so, or do not bypass the start page at all.
Closing Words
With Windows 7 still on the market when Windows 8 launches, it is likely that many companies and users who know about Windows 8 will select the former operating system to upgrade existing PCs. One should not forget that Windows 8 is a risk for Microsoft. If the operating system does not sell as well as hoped, the company might be inclined to return to the pre-Windows 8 ways with Windows 9 to get back on track.
Well employees install enough social network programs now on office machines why would an employer want live tiles updates to that crap and easy access and the ability to flip it out when the boss walks by? What gets me is that ribbon crap replacing drop downs, menus, etc, in the OS, programs. Menus, drop downs don’t work as well on a touch centric device so ” ribbon” took 1st chair leaving the mouse user the 2nd. I can’t figure out why everyone thinks Metro is such a modern, slick design, I have seen idevice apps that look just like it, Flipboard updating its icon tiles on start up reminds me of it. Well Microsoft isn’t known for new ideas, just cloning with minor changes something else. I guess if you give something a Fisher Price toy look with gaudy colors some people will wet their pants until the newness wears off, kind of like JCP new look with tacky clothes of neon pink, neon green, neon yellow displayed for winter. Hmmm, maybe JCP could open a Microsoft bouquet in one of its 100 bouquets. These two companies need a head honcho change, they are both out of touch with reality.
My advise, if you want to slick with this vendor, buy extra copies of Windows 7. As for me, there are more choices in an OS that will let you get your work done rather than this mess. I see no way for Microsoft to backpedal like ME, Vista to retreat.
Here are two reasons why you will like windows 8 on your laptop and desktop:
I have a strong intuition that Windows 8 will flop just like Vista. To me it’s very likely that it will. To force a tablet/touch type of interface on the desktop seems logically flawed, which is analogous to forcing the ergonomics of a motorcycle into an automobile–they are different vehicles, and to shoehorn in a feature for one thing for another seems like a train wreck. It is strange how they do not see this, which I suppose is because with Apple having explosive growth in the marketplace, they feel that somehow a desktop should feel like using a damn iPhone. Are they so out of touch? So decimated by Apple? In reality, I hope it truly flops so that they will learn their lesson, but how many times will it take? Apple is killing them now, and this will only hurt them more. More power to Apple it seems. Who knows what further damage will be incurred. Maybe they’ll go by the wayside like IBM where IBM computers come with Intel chips rather than IBM chips. Windows will one day be made by Apple instead.
Martin, the “closed system” argument sounds particularly bogus to me, since everything that runs on Windows 7also runs on Windows 8. The Windows Store is just an additional resource. So if I followed your logic then I should also qualify Windows 7 as a closed system. That really does not make sense, sorry. Now, if you had said that Windows RT was a closed system, I could have followed you, but Windows 8, certainly not.
The “training requirements” discussion is a valid one, but probably exaggerated. We recently migrated from Win XP to Win 7 at work, and every staff member had to go through a half-day training, and specific support was put at our disposal thereafter. I don’t think that much more than that would be required to train staff for Windows 8.
I think you are being naive if you don’t think the closed environment argument is valid. Over the past four years there has been considerable debate within MS about how MS can nickel and dime for per minute charges rather than license the use of their software. The success of Apple’s closed environment, strictly in new mobile devices, has caught MS’ eye. The issue is MS is forgetting why they won the PC OS war so overwhelmingly, by having an relatively open OS through a well publicized API and maximum support for programmers. Ballmer is not a bright man. He is a salesman who thinks for dollars today, not for the long term. He will want to push a closed environment. So, yes, resist any closing of your environment.
BTW, two reasons I believe Android will beat out iOS on mobile devices in the long run: 1) Google is less obtrusive to the device owner and the app programmer in its costs in the transaction, and 2) the user and app provider can transact outside of Google Play by sideloading. I can only hope that MS realizes that the Google model is a version of MS’s OS strategy from DOS 1.0 to Windows 7, and is still better than the Apple model. I fear MS will not understand the differences and the long-term outcomes. I do believe Apple, long-term, is heading the same route they did when they went to the closed environment concept with the first MAC.
Understand, this does not mean I don’t love the design of Apple products. I just wish their business model would allow their technology to flourish in the long term. I know that sounds weird with Apple’s current market position, but Apple has been here before and threw their technological leap away. Like an Olympic runner sprinting early and forgetting there is a longer race ahead, only to see others run by as the race goes on.
Rambaldi , I worked in team developing Windows 8 and Win Phone apps. The problem is that they are based on crippled version of .Net framework, so when you say “Win32 applications perhaps only in Entreprise versions via virtualization” it raises my eybrows high.
Cross-processor virtualization is VERY slow, basically it couldn’t provide performance good enough for any speed-critical applications. Don’t you want to say that Win32 users don’t want execution speed?
You are correct. What I meant by closed system was the danger that this was the first step towards a fully closed system.
OK so basically, you are telling us to stay away from Windows 8 based on speculations about what could happen with Windows 9, 10 or 11 ? Ok why not…
On a side note, though, if Windows 8/RT is a huge success (and, I know, it is a BIG if…), there is indeed a possibility that Microsoft would be tempted to get rid of the legacy deadwood and focus exclusively on the WinRT environment in a future Windows version (and keep support for Win32 applications perhaps only in Entreprise versions via virtualization). This would be a step towards a simpler to use and maintain computer : if the iPad has shown us something, it is that today’s computers are uselessly complex for 90% of daily computing tasks performed by for consumers.
He clearly refer it solely to Windows Store.
Because every worker in the world adapt like your staffs.
Trend gradually less user control = schedule :
Windows 8-9 = touch-centric design
W. 10-12 = Voice centric design = no mouse or keyboard, no monitor — display on wall, table , 3D in air;
no user interference in settings/registry = all allowed to be used will be in obligatory default ,user will be merely user not Administrator .
W. 13 = via chip in brain interaction = no external hardware required ,totally remote via clouds real owners = total slavery obedient sheeple/ants ,always connected to FBIbook -and love it…
I’m actually looking forward to trying Win8…on a Surface tablet. Not so much on a desktop. I’ve tried it on a VM and found it to be a pain to use. I will not be installing this as the primary OS on any of my desktop machines, that’s for sure. It might be awesome on a tablet though. If the Surface really comes in at $199, it’s worth that much just for the test drive.
The key is that people do different things on tablets verses desktops, therefore there is no need to have a common interface. I’ve never heard one single person comment about how they wish their mobile device looked like their desktop. Besides, people seem to handle adapting to the various mobile OSs with relatively little trouble. MS doesn’t seem to get this. They have put a lot of effort into providing a solution for a non-existent problem.
at 70$ , 8 pro equals vista home basic price 4 yrs ago. too tempting to miss-out
it has a future, at least for tablets, considering the samsung-apple case,which has revived interest in MS’s non-pc products.
MS;s ability to prove & defend its patents will make hardware makers go for it. so ultimately win 8 will last longer than Vista.
Transition to 8 will be slow & painful [initially] but worth the while,
on the linux side, Ubuntu has taken a similar path, despite heavy criticism for its unity desktop .
Yes, good point with Ubuntu example. See how Mint easily took over after the unity debacle.
Or how Gnome 3 change the landscape of Linux DE forever; by making some unnoticed DE get more recognitions it need.
“The start menu linked to the control panel, installed programs, search and various other system tools–”
I just have comment here too that when you right-click in the lower left corner where the start button use to be you get a menu where you can find the control panel, search, run and various system tools too… :) It is not as comprehensive as before but you find the basic tools from the menu and you don´t have to switch to Modern UI. Searching of course requires it.
Then you click on them and BAM, some controls need you to go to metro screen for no apparent reason.
Yes, I just went all of them through and only only the”search” switches to Modern Ui.
Having read all the comments, I wanted to offer my opinion on a few points.
Boot Speed: Seriously? This is actually a decision-point in buying 8? It’s not win ’98 anymore. 7 boots in in a couple minutes. how fraking hectic is your life that you have to cut a few seconds off that?!
Integrating Social Networking: Please, don’t make me kill you to death REALLY hard! Because I will. I not only have no need to be constantly connected to all the Twats and MyFaces, I also haven’t any need to willingly participate in the greatest consumer information-gathering SCAM humanity has ever seen.
App Store/Metro: Look I get it. MS wants to make money. That’s fine. But why would I PAY THEM to put me in an environment DESIGNED to keep me in their marketing/advertising/buying sights? I know it’s inconceivable these days but many of us are not consumer whores. We actually use our computers to accomplish something. I’m only gonna say this once…..My computer needs to run an efficient OS. It is not a Microsoft retail kiosk.
Conclusion? 7 just works. It really does. If MS wants to re-imagine the basic UI, that could make computer-use more efficient. That could be a quantum leap in OS innovation. But 8 hasn’t done either of these things. AND, it hasn’t done either of those things SPECTACULARLY!
IMHO, Win 8 is nothing more then a Win 7 shell designed to create a new revenue stream for Microsoft. It is nothing more than a shell-program designed to FORCE users to interact/encounter consumer buying opportunities.
I’m not a Microsoft hater. I’m really not. I’m no one’s fan-boy. There’s room for all kinds of OS in this sloppy world of ours. But 8 strikes me as an absolutely pathetic effort and wholly transparent attempt, and exactly what I would expect form one of the worlds most influential corporate behemoths, whose interest is nothing more than the bottom line.
Windows 8 doesn’t seem like a rational progression from Windows 7, unless MS was anticipating a massive rush from desktops and notebooks to tablet PC’s. Even the positive articles I’ve read seem to have taken considerable effort to arrive at their positive tone.
I think MS will have to come up with something better to persuade the masses to vacate Win 7 for something new. Apparently Windows 8 is not something better.
“Metro” or whatever, makes your expensive pc look like a “my first computer”.
I don’t like it on my phone, and I don’t want it on my desktop!
I guess the logical choice is to install Windows 8 as a dual boot with Windows 7, that way you will always have a choice.
Nevermind the legitimate reasons to be apprehensive about this OS….it has a….charms bar?!?!
CHARMS? CHARMS are freaking CURSED. Do. Not. Want!
On a serious note: are they looking to court the little girl slash my little pony demographic?
Thanks to early negative comments about Win 8 I bought a new laptop with Win 7 so I wouldn’t get trapped with Win 8. I am not regretting that decision in the least. I am enjoying the use of a faster laptop and learning more reasons to avoid Win 8.
I am also concerned with anyone with visibility issues especially seniors who need big screens in order to be able to see.
It’s your duty as people that want a non moronic OS to make sure Windows 8 fails big time. If it does well the future of the Windows OS for the power user will be very bad.
I can’t believe the crap Microsoft is trying to pull off here. It’s clear they don’t care about the power user anymore. They are trying to attract the large number of non tech types with Windows 8.They would also love to lock down the whole system like iOS does.
I would love for some one to explain to me why a person using Windows 8 on his laptop or desktop would launch IE in Metro mode instead of regular IE? I can’t imagine why some one would want to do that. IE in Metro mode is a crippled POS, it makes IE6 look good. How is this an advancement in the OS?
so the best +1 for windows isit bots fast ? big woop normal folkdont care to much if it boots 10 seconds faster , having said that arch linux boots to a “working” desktop in around 10 seconds. (slim set to autologin) microsoft OS has more backdoors than the local meth dealers house .
“that they may not trust as much as Microsoft.”….???
There are people who trust Microsoft?
I’m a desktop user and after having purchased Windows 7 just last December, I just will carry on with it until it won’t be supported any longer by Microsoft. Yes, I’ve read a lot about Win 8 and intend to skip it. Hope that Microsoft will come to its senses.
Win8 is a stunning walkback in functionality and efficiency, and all the more so because it is intentionally so. MS has grievously violated the form follows function rule with regard to desktop and even laptop computers, by attempting to force them into work within the limitations of the small screen.
Many compare this debacle to Vista. I think that will indeed be accurate on the sales front, but it’s an unfair comparison on the design front. Vista was a step forward in design. I used it for a year, with its service pack, with no major problems. But I can see no place for Win8 in any intelligent desktop scenario.
One other reason not to use 8 is to protest MS’s heavyhandedness. Clearly they feel they don’t make enough money. Balmer’s folly. I think that free “downgrades” to Win7 will be offered and taken on many a new computer.
Nice to see an article about Win 8 that isn’t: a) praising it to the skies, or uh, to the cloud; b) making excuses for it; c) trying very hard to convince me there is something positive to be found in there, somewhere. I know it’s news, but I am so tired of seeing nothing but Windows8, Windows8. Meh.
A computer, all the peripherals, all the software = a large investment (in my house, anyway). I’m not about to destroy it all with what, for me, would be an OS that renders it useless for doing anything productive.
MS trying to force Win8 on desktop users is just – stupid. You know what? I don’t give a rat’s backside for their “store”. And WT? is a Charms Bar. Am I supposed to be “charmed” by the cutesy name? Well, that’s a miss – as is Windows 8.
Windows 8 will be another Vista. I’ll wait for Windows X (i.e., “Ten”).
win 10 free for one year then you have to pay for it
Wierd. See, for me, Windows 8 boots up in 7 seconds, and in under 10 seconds from cold start, I’ve already fired up a productivity app, say email. In under a minute, I’ve tapped out a quick email, and the laptop is already being put back in my bag. This is a brand new laptop, which worked straight out of the box on Windows 8. (Yes I need to install some other drivers for peripherals, but display, network, and OS in general worked out of the box).
I like the Metro apps I’ve used, and I find getting to the desktop easy. I miss the start menu, but I’m figuring out how to not miss it. I actually like the new interface, and Windows 8 in general runs like a bat out of hell. I see plenty of benefits in using it, am I the only one?
salada2k says:
“Wierd. See, for me, Windows 8 boots up in 7 seconds, and in under 10 seconds from cold start..”
My Windows 7 boots up in 7 seconds, and in under 10 seconds from cold start too, running off
SSD drive.
You can’t really compare those between different systems. It obviously depends a lot on the hardware that you use and the way you shut down. In general, Windows 8 boots a bit faster than Windows 7, but if you optimize Windows 7 you come very close to the boot time and it does not really make a difference anymore at all.
For the average user who does not tweak and optimize, it makes a big difference.
You are not the only one out there/here. :D There are some great apps out there (news, weather, windows reader) and hopefully we see a lot more good apps in the future. I really wish that Google will put some apps to Microsoft Store too.
Instead of Start Menu learn to use the right-click in the lower-left corner in desktop mode, and the charms menu in the right side + pin the necessary programs to the taskbar.
In general, I think the comparison to Vista is not correct one from technical point of view. 8 is so newer and more advanced than Vista is. Unlike Vista had, 8 has good driver support. 8 is lighter then 7 and should run decently even with older hardware.
Yes, it does run nicely on older hardware. I’ve got around to installing it on some of the lowest spec boxes, I have (back to P4’s!) and it quite literally feels like they have a new lease on life. Vista on the other hand, was the total opposite, and brought well spec’d boxes to their knees. I agree that any comparison between Vista and Windows 8 is laughable at best.
You’re not, but not everyone share the same views. At least to people who needs work to be done instead of twitting all days.
I think there are more reasons not to upgrade
) You don’t see what good you get for your money (if you don’t need Metro/Modern UI or the Store or touchscreen). And no gains in productivity — as you wrote.
) Possible app compatibility issues (if something isn’t broken — don’t fix / upgrade it).
) Driver / devices software compatibility issues. Are you sure that your current drivers / software for your mobile phone / digital camera / scanner / printer / whatever else periphery your have will be fine with Win 8? I’m not.
Working with betas we experienced many issues, my colleague had hardware issue even with HDD controller…
) OS software issues. Many people believe that these days no software comes out really well tested, so early adopters will get many issues, which will be solved only in Service Pack 1 or even SP 2.
) Just caution. Upgrading anything may get you into trouble. Better wait and read and listen what people risking to adopt early says.
) Bad publicity (Win 8 already got it).
nice post delete martin. couda edited it if you felt i was “off limits” or something. anyways im out of here.
What do you mean?
Something caught in the spam-filter?
I’ve fallen foul of it a few times! haha
Having read your good points on windows 8 yesterday.
I made my mind up not to bother (thanks did not need bad points)
keep it up and thanks for all your excellent work Brian.
Martin, I don’t suppose you could point me in the right direction regarding an article on one of those “boot directly to the desktop instead of Start Page” hacks? :-D
I found it in your other post, Martin. You’re one Hell of a great Windows writer and resource!
Karl you are welcome.
Karl, you can use the Skip Metro Suite for that for instance:
there’s also classicshell too. i really like this one as the search functionality in the start menu works.
Is it just me that finds it ridiculous just how hysterical people are being over Win8?
i use win 8.1 if a 78 year old man can run it i cant understand why these wiz kids cant
I work with Windows OSs for 15 years, but never before saw OS reloading on boot in 1 sec on driver issue.
Or losing Ethernet connectivity out of the blue, do software reset to your network adapter driver to regain your Internet connection.
Or so ugly as Metro/Modern squares and colors.
Yes, Windows 8 is something special.
Yes, Windows 8 may be OK for watching videos on a tablet, but for doing actual work on a desktop computer it’s indeed a disaster. It’s like they give you a new microscope that has no fine-tuning buttons anymore, because they think you want a toy one built from Lego bricks….
So on my personal blog and on my Facebook page, I’ve started my own action: asking productivity-oriented desktop PC ucers to boycott Windows 8. If many more people will do the same, maybe this kind of response will convince Microsoft to soon develop an updated version of Win7 instead: an OS that combines some of the technical improvements of Win8 with a proper mouse-oriented interface.
I’ve improvised a small (200×256 pixel) “Boycott Windows 8” picture and I’d like to invite everyone to download that picture ( and to put it on your own webpages, too! Spread the action!
better name than windows 8 is vista 8 ;)
i have xp on my desktop that what i would like on my lappy i have window 8 on my lappy i dont know how much about window8 so how can i get XP on my lappy
Honestly I wouldn’t call it Vista 8. They were/are both horrible operating systems, but for entirely different reasons. Windows 7 was pretty good (for a Windows product), and it was basically a version of Vista that worked. Other than the actual programming, Windows 7 and Vista were essentially the same. Vista’s problem was how the OS was coded. It has shitty programming, was bloated, crashed a lot, and was overall slow. Windows 8 is quite fast, as far as I know, but the interface SUCKS. I guess Micro$oft wasn’t content with having a total flop because of programming and had to go on making something a total flop due to a shitty interface and shitty innovation.
That’s why I go with Kubuntu Linux for my computer. All the quality coding of the Debain base with the eye candy and innovative interface of KDE!