Opera 12.01 security and stability update released

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 2, 2012
Updated • Aug 2, 2012

Opera Software just a few minutes ago has released an update to the desktop version of the Opera browser. Opera 12.01 is a security and stability update that falls in line with the company's previous update cycle that iterates between larger and smaller updates.

Existing Opera 12.0 or earlier users can run an update check in the browser to download and install the latest version of it automatically. This is done with a click on the Opera button, and the selection of Help > Check for updates from the menu that opens up. The browser will eventually pick up the new version automatically to offer an automatic update without manual check.

New and existing users who do not want to update the browser using the built-in updater can download the latest version from the Opera website instead. It is offered as usual for all supporting operating systems and languages.

The changelog lists several fixes and enhancements that have made their way into Opera 12.01. Here is a selection of important ones:

  • General fixes and stability improvements
  • Website thumbnail generation memory improvements
  • Fixes for issues on sites and services such as Twitter, Google Maps Labs, Yahoo Chat, Lenovo's Shop now page and Tuenti.com.
  • Various display and scripting bug fixes
  • The browser's address bar inline auto-completion is no longer preferring the shortest domain
  • Fixed a crash when mail databases were loaded on startup
  • Resolved a favicon display issue when too many tabs were open in the web browser

The new version on top of that patches several security vulnerabilities in Opera 12.01, of which some can allow attackers to execute code on the target system. You find additional information about the security fixes linked from the official changelog. Mac and Linux users need to navigate back to the main changelog directory to access the log for their operating systems.


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  1. Pekka J. Poutiainen said on August 4, 2012 at 7:56 pm

    Last two weeks Opera crashed least once a day ! Up to 50 crashed info came out every time !!! That makes me very nervous. Thats enough ! Hope so that all works better now. Otherwise I like Opera.

  2. Stevan, Belgrade said on August 3, 2012 at 10:49 pm

    I still have the same complain. Not even ONE page will stop downloading by itself. It says document 100%, elements 10/10 but dont sops until I click on stop manually. Problems with flash. Drop down lists dont work. If I click on a rrs (comment on some article) from torrent freak I got only Main article but commenatries not visible etc Im forced to use Chrome at the same time, but chrome has other bugs eg if link leads to pdf or doc document, chrome says whoops there is some error…

  3. Dean said on August 2, 2012 at 6:36 pm

    Thanks – always appreciate a heads up when a new version is out.

  4. kalmly said on August 2, 2012 at 3:15 pm

    Good news!!! And not just for me, many others have had problems with version 12. I was about to uninstall and go back to an earlier version. Version 12 has been a glitchy resource hog that has forced me to fall back on FF at least once a day.

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