Advanced Find For Chrome, Include Inflections In Search

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 24, 2011
Updated • Dec 10, 2012
Google Chrome

All modern web browsers come with options to search the active web page for specific words or phrases. None as far as I know support wildcard searches or the inclusion of inflections. The Google Chrome extension efTwo Advanced Find on Page adds support for the latter to the Chrome web browser.

Sometimes when I search on a website I try to select a search term that includes inflections. Say I'm looking for the terms replace or replacing on the website. For that I would have to enter replac in the search form so that both terms are found on the page. Another example is the search term use which would reveal not only all instances of use on the page but also used, user and using.

With the Chrome extension, you can enter one term and find all occurrences of all matching terms highlighted on the page.

You bring up the advanced search form after installation by either pressing F2 once of the f-key twice in rapid succession.

advanced on page search

The extension highlights all occurrences on the page. If you add more than one search term you will notice that each is colored differently. That's interesting as it allows you to run multiple searches at once on a page.

advanced search

The program found all occurrences of use and printing on the page. It will furthermore highlight the total result count in the search form. You can use the up and down arrow buttons to scroll to the next or previous occurrence of a search result on the active web page.

The inflection detection works both ways. You can enter use to find using or user, or enter using to find user or use as well on the page.

Advanced Search on Page is a handy Chrome extension for users who want to find related phrases on a website during searches. The free Chrome extension can be installed at the official Chrome Web Store.


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  1. odio said on October 24, 2011 at 9:22 pm

    hey Martin, where I find your e-mail? can i sent it to [email protected] ?

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on October 24, 2011 at 10:05 pm

      Use the contact form here, I get back to you:

      1. odio said on October 25, 2011 at 12:11 am

        Tell me what you think!

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