Day Zero, Plan Things To Do In The Next 1001 Days

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 7, 2011
Updated • Dec 11, 2012

If you had one day to live, what would you do? You probably know that question and I personally find it very hard to come up with an answer to that. Day Zero takes the question a step further by asking you what you would like to do in the next 1001 days. It is on first glance a things to do list on the Internet. On second glance though it offers interesting features and additions to that list.

New users need to create an account before they can start adding things that they want to do in the next three years. The form where you add your "things" suggests things that other users of the service have added to their list. That's nice as it can be inspirational. In the end, it comes down to what you really want to achieve and do in those three years.

things to do

A Top 101 things to do page offers additional suggestions on what you could do in the next 1001 days. Popular suggestions include donating blood, kissing in the rain, getting married or to not eat fast food for a month.

Tasks range from easily doable like donating blood or going on a cruise to hard to predict things like falling in love or, graduating from college or watching a meteor shower.

The top 10 things that users of the service want done in 1001 days?

1. Donate blood
2. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
3. Sleep under the stars
4. Get a tattoo
5. Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find
6. Kiss in the rain
7. Don't complain about anything for a week
8. Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind"
9. Fall in love
10. Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day

The service distinguishes between a things to do list and a someday list with the latter being more of a queued to do list while the former containing the tasks that you really want to achieve in that time frame.

Day Zero offers more suggestions and inspirations than what has already been mentioned. The Feature List offers lists that contain handpicked ideas, interesting locations or places, and even a list of what you probably do not want to do (but should). The latter list contains interesting challenges like not using the Internet for a week, not eating out for a month or not to complain for a whole week.

If that was not enough, there is also the idea finder. The idea finder displays two goals giving you a choice what you'd rather want to do. Each suggestion, even both, can be added to the things to do list, someday list or the done list.

Once you are done adding tasks to the things and someday list you can move around tasks between both lists or mark tasks as started and done.


You can also set tasks to be private in case you do not want your user name and full name to appear on the task page on the site.

The service lacks an option to print out your lists on paper. While it is possible to use the browser's print option, it is not the best suited for this kind of task list.

You can start your own things to do list over at the Day Zero website. Which tasks would you put on your list?


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  1. Robert Palmar said on October 7, 2011 at 5:25 pm

    Day Zero has zeroed out:

    Sorry – something broke.

    The administrator has been notified and things should be back up soon!

    You can try again by coming through the front door.

    Ghacks may responsible ;)

    Personally I am not too interested in popular suggestions on what to do.
    Doing the unpopular may very well be the best thing one should be doing.

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