Install Add-Ins to Office 2007 and Adapt Custom Functions

Melanie Gross
Jul 17, 2011
Updated • Feb 24, 2013
Microsoft, Microsoft Office

The Microsoft Office Suite is indispensable software for so many users. The ability to innovate custom functions in Office 2007 by installation of free add-ins is a practical advantage to anyone using Office 2007 professionally or personally. Most of the add-ins are included with Office, but not the initial installation itself. This article will clarify how to install desired add-ins to customize functions. This enables the user to access functions quickly, adapted to the particular functions needed for each different user. This has many advantages for a small business for example, because different staff will require a certain set-up for their job tasks. For home use, it makes Office streamlined and cuts steps out of creating documents requiring conversions and even changes in language. Once customized, Office 2007 is also personalized and a vital software program becomes friendlier to use. Hot-keys can also be adapted for these functions enabling even faster access.

Open Office 2007 and then open Excel. Using the Excel Options menu, select Add-Ins:

office add-ins

A window will open for View and Manage Office Add-ins. At the bottom of this window, ensure that Excel Add-Ins is selected. Once that is done, click Go to move on to the Add-Ins window itself. The Add-Ins window opens:

office2007 addins

Highlight each option for a clear description of each one. This takes only a single-click, but it allows you to determine if the Add-In is needed for any particular purposes. If it is not needed, there is no point in selecting it. Remember that this is customization and all options do not need to be added unless that is the desired outcome. If there is an intention to later create Hot-Keys for the functions, the fewer the better. The ultimate point of this is to simplify, not complicate Office 2007. Select the appropriate functions one at a time. With each selection, the following window will open:


Click Yes and the configuration will begin. Once complete, any given Add-In is installed and available in the Ribbon. This example shows a conversion function for Euros:


Each different Add-In will come up under different headers. This one was under the Formulas tab because it is a conversion. Expect similar comparatives for each Add-In function included to the Ribbon. This allows for a certain degree of convenience, but is also where Hot-Keys might ideally be created for functions most frequently used.

Add-Ins can also be installed from the Microsoft website. Just search for Add-ins in the Office 2007 section and they will be clearly presented. They are updated frequently, so options are growing over time. These installations are free. One of the options, for example, is to create a function for adding a Creative Commons license to documents. These functions serve a convenience that cuts document creation time down significantly. Third party Add-Ins will have to be purchased to authenticate the license for use, generally after a trial period of use. At least there is the advantage of trying the Add-In before use. Otherwise, most of the practical functions can be added without cost.


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