Google Chrome Canary Builds Reach Version 11

It was Google who started to release minor improvements as major version upgrades. The browser has just reached version 11, less than two and a half years after its first beta version hit the Internet. That's about four major version bumps every year.
Google Chrome managed to close in on Opera which is currently available as Opera 11, and surpass Microsoft's Internet Explorer (version 9 is currently in development) and Mozilla Firefox (which is developing version 4), all version-wise of course.
The latest Google Chrome Canary build has just hit version 11. Canary builds are the bleeding edge version of the Chrome browser, followed by Google Chrome Dev, Google Chrome Beta and Google Chrome Stable builds.
It usually does not take long until the dev version switches to the version of the Canary build, followed later by the beta and stable releases.
Anything new in Google Chrome 11? The only thing that caught my attention was a select your search engine screen on first run which I personally had not seen before. This may have been in there for a longer time though, since I installed Chrome year's ago.
I'm not sure if Google posts release notes for all builds. The Google Chrome releases blog for instance only posts releases notes of beta, stable and dev channel updates, and that only sporadically and often without essential information included.
Google recently announced that they would speed up the development cycle from releasing a major version quarterly to releasing a new version of the browser every six weeks. Expect Google Chrome 12 to hit the web in six weeks.
Update: New features that Google introduced in Chrome 11 include GPU-accelerated 3D CSS, speech-to-text feature that enables users to use the computer's microphone to get Chrome to transcribe the spoken words, and to translate the words in the process.
The first version of Google Chrome where I noticed search engine selector was 6.
how can i download it???????????
You can download them here
Is it just mine, or does everyones address bar not show the address. All I see is white. ?????
Mine is displaying fine.
Yeah, I figured it out. Using speed dial did it. Typing in, or bookmarks, and it shows. Thanks.
So within 10 years we’ll have the 50th Chrome? Google developers aren’t known for their humour for nothing.
We are actually then at Google Chrome 96.
A speed up is from once every 3 months to once every 6?
” speed up the development cycle from releasing a major version quarterly to releasing a new version of the browser every six months.”
It should have read six weeks. Sorry for the mistake, corrected it.
Oh, he mistook there. It will be a new version every ‘six weeks’.
One thing I’ve noticed is settings is now a tab…
Tabbed settings is already available (but off by default) in Chrome 9. In 10 it’s the default and you can’t change it. Personally I prefer the dialog window.
I think the search engine choice screen started in v9 (?). I switch between chrome channels in my PCs and I remember that ballot.