Google Launch the Nexus S Phone... But is it Wise or Necessary?

Google have launched their new own-branded Smartphone, the Samsung-made Nexus S, to lots, some, a bit of fanfare around the world.
The handset runs the latest version of their Android operating system and includes some interesting new features including Near Field Communications (NFC) that can allow people to make electronic payments by swiping their phone near a reader.
This is a technology that's already being used in places such as Japan for travel tickets and small purchases.
Elsewhere the phone has 16Gb of storage, the "world's first" 4 inch curved AMOLED screen, front and reaf-facing cameras and improved voice control. All that aside though is it a wise move for Google to release this phone under their own name?
When the company launched the HTC-made Nexus One a year ago there was a great deal of talk about whether this would alienate Google's hardware partners. Fortunately the Nexus One was a resounding flop and was closely followed by far better HTC devices so this was never an issue. It's inevitable though that this question will be asked again.
It's easily arguable that Google's Android operating system is now the de-facto smartphone OS of choice so Google no longer have anything to prove personally. The uptake among handset manufacturers has been almost universal with only Nokia and Sony Ericsson hanging on to their Symbian platform while they see it though a slow and painful death. Despite the launch of Windows Phone there will be no change to this as the market is clearly big enough to allow both operating systems to exist side-by-side with all parties making a decent profit.
You can think though that the only reasons for Google to release another own-branded phone is because either, they want to showcase the very latest stuff (in which case I go back to my original point about annoying partners and having a potential flop on their hands as Samsung prime another handset of their own), to reinforce the Google name in people's minds (though the public don't and may never think of Google as a hardware company so I can't help but wonder what the point of this would be) or simply because they can and they felt like it.
This last one is far and away the most likely scenario.
Anyway it's here but will anyone notice?   Hopefully Samsung have learnt a thing or two from HTC's mistakes.
The Nexus S will be available to buy or on contract after December 16th.
The reason they’re doing this is to try to raise the bar as far as android phone hardware goes.
Yea, what the hell? The Nexus one is still ace and was only a ‘flop’ due to the fact it wasn’t sold in shops.
” was closely followed by far better HTC devices”… like what? the HTC Desire?
That was basically the same phone with just HTC sense stuck on it.
My brother has a desire and I still prefer my Nexus one…. it runs quicker as its not bogged down with a ‘skin’ and the Nexus one is slimmer as well.
Perhaps the author should get a clue first before writing such things!
What?? The Nexus One was not one of the first Android handsets by a long shot, it’s still considered a decent phone, and it doesn’t have a hinge. Might you be thinking of the HTC G1?