Steve Jobs - The Action Figure
Update: The action figure is not available anymore. You find other Steve Jobs toys on sites like Amazon for example. There you find Steve Jobs Lego figurines for instance.
It was only a matter of time before someone made a statuette out of Steve Jobs and as you can see below we now have a lovely figurine (admittedly with a slightly enlarged head, read into that what you wish) that you can buy to grace your desk.
The figure, which has removable glasses and is seen holding an iPhone 4, also comes with three interchangeable speech bubbles (and holder) to let you put whatever words into his mouth that you like, my personal favourite being "Well, don't hold it that way!"
The figurine is $79.90 and is available direct from MicGadget. Surely this will make an excellent Christmas present for, well somebody has to want one.
That said the attention to detail in the figure is excellent and Jobs is seen wearing his trademark black polo-neck jumper, jeans and trainers. MicGadget describe the action figure as "The most phenomenal Steve Jobs figure ever. It looks insanely like Steve" and you can't fault them for that (except the aforementioned enlarged head of course).
Update: The Steve Jobs action figure has been discontinued. It is not clear when the figure was pulled from the store, and if it has been pulled as a reaction to Steve Jobs' death.
Apple or Jobs fans interested in acquiring the action figure can try their look on eBay where all kinds of Steve Jobs action figures are available for purchase. Most of the action figures found on eBay seem to be produced by different manufacturers though, considering that they sell for about $25 US Dollars while the original action figure retailed for almost $80.
Raihan im Fine ok
hai friand
I can see blowing $80 bucks on this … but only to set it on fire. Or perhaps blow its head off with a shotgun. Then upload to Youtube.
WOUW! It’s even cheaper then an Apple USB cable. A must have LOL