Remove Unwanted Photo Objects Online

You have taken those beautiful photos on your last vacation, only to find out that some of them show objects on the screen that should not be there. Additional people for instance, a boot or car or something else that is destroying the atmosphere of the setting.
Professionals use image editors to remove those objects from their photos. They do it that well that it is often not determinable if the photo has been edited or not. Most hobbyists on the other hand lack the required skills to remove objects using - often expensive - photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop.
An online service like Web In Paint may be exactly what they need to remove objects from their photos.
The service requires the latest Adobe Flash plugin. But that's the only requirement, it can be used without registration. The page shows some ads on the sides and top, and a one-time popup is displayed advertising the desktop version.
A photo is loaded into the web application via the Load Image button. The service supports large photos, some test 2 Megabyte images were accepted without problems.
Zoom in and out controls are available, ideal for displaying large photos on the screen without scrolling. A left click on the photo adds marker to the image. This area will later be removed by the application and replaced with what the algorithm believes is the best fit for that location.
This works pretty well for small objects on large photos. If you zoom in you notice the manipulation though. A second path usually optimizes the result further.
Web In Paint lacks an undo. You have to start over if you accidentally left-click on the photo. The online service otherwise offers a straightforward way of removing objects from photos. It is easy to use and the results are solid most of the time.