FilerFrog, Free Windows Explorer Shell Extension

The default file browser for the Windows operating system, Windows Explorer, has its shortcomings, especially when it comes to file operations.
The process to copy files into another folder for instance is not optimized at all, and users may have to navigate a lot in one explorer window, or use two Windows Explorer instances for the job.
Filer Frog is a free Windows Explorer shell extension that improves the file browser in this regard.
The previously commercial application is now offered for free at the developer site. Both a 32-bit and 64-bit edition are available, which add the same feature set to Windows Explorer.

All new features become available in the right-click context menu after installation.
The new features can be loosely divided into file operations and image manipulations.
File Operations
Filer Frog adds the following file operations to Windows Explorer:
- Extract From Folder: Moves all files of a folder to its parent folder, with options to delete the empty folder afterwards.
- Extract To Folder: Creates a new folder and moves the selected files into it.
- Copy / Move: Like the Copy To, Move To commands. Opens a folder browser after selection where the selected files and folders will be moved or copied to.
- Delete Empty Files and Folders: Empty files and folders that have been selected will be deleted after executing this command.
- Copy Path To Clipboard: copies the path of the current folder to the Windows Clipboard.
- Invert Selection: Inverts the current selection in the folder.
- Split and Join: Option to split large files into smaller ones, and to join them again.
- List of Files: Creates a text or html file that contains a list of all selected files and folders. Option to create a simple or detailed listing.
- Encrypt and Decrypt: Option to encrypt or decrypt files and folders.
- Renaming: Option to rename files and folders in bulk, available are: Find Replace, Auto Numbering, Alphabetize, Append, Auto Numbering with Append (Links to Auto Numbering), Alphabetize with Append (Links to Alphabetize), Make All Same Name, Truncate
Image Manipulation Operations:
Three main features are provided by Filer Frog, they are:
- Image Manipulation - Resize: Option to immediately resize selected images in Windows Explorer. Selection includes custom sizes, presets, and the selection of the image quality.
- Image Manipulation - Put Logo On Image: Adds a logo to all selected images. Option to overwrite the existing images, or add the manipulated images to another folder.
- Image album: Filer Frog can create a basic image album which is saved as a pdf document in the same folder.
Some of the options provided by Filer Frog are already available in some Windows operating systems. Still, several of the file operations can be helpful in speeding up operations in Windows Explorer. The software does not need to run in a background process, which means that it does not put a strain on the system's resources.
Filer Frog is available for download at the developer website.
You Can Automate Repetitive File Management Suite is a Windows Explorer extension that includes some of the same convenience features but also offers automation. You can record as you copy or zip in Windows Explorer. Replay the script from the file launcher. For more info see
Dear Martin,
Wonderful program that does several things I have long wanted. But regrettably I’m going to have to uninstall it. Unfortunately, it stops my copy of Windows Explorer from opening except by clicking on My Computer. It seems also to have deleted some of my right click menu items.
I hope you can fix this. Good luck.
All the best.
It crash windows explorer. It force to close explorer.exe. So I think that wait to use it for new version.
It looks like a very handy tool and the best part that it is FREE !