Perform Plain Google Searches Without Video, Image And News Results

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 7, 2009
Updated • Dec 10, 2012
Google, Search

If you perform a Google search nowadays you get mixed search results. Google not only displays the first ten pages that is has in its index for the entered keyword but also image, video and news results. Sometimes ads are also added to the search results and placed on top of everything else.

Some search engine users might want a cleaner search results list without the additional search results that are offered by Google. The Digital Inspiration blog found an interesting alternative url to perform clean Google searches without video, image and news results.

Users who want nothing but the plain top 10 search engine results for a specific keyword can point their web browsers to to perform a custom search without the additional search results and advertisements that are added to the default Google search.

Google default search:

Google custom search:

google custom search

It is also possible to add the custom Google search engine to the list of search provides. How this is done depends on the web browser that is being used. A quick overview of how this can be done can be found in the article about Google's Sandbox search engine here at Ghacks.

Update: Google Custom Search is still available, and it works in pretty much the same way as before. Just visit the Google custom search above and use it to search on Google without all the Google product additions that Google added to search results pages in recent time.

It is interesting to note that it is still available. While you get some ads on top of the results, the search results do not have Google products hard coded into the results nor other Google related product placements like the new Knowledge Graph, flight search or other products.


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  1. Anonymous said on October 10, 2021 at 2:55 am

    Aww, I hate when I read an article without looking at the date first. Thought the simple search I used years ago was back!

  2. Martin said on January 23, 2020 at 11:16 am

    No longer works.

  3. Tina said on September 28, 2018 at 6:34 pm

    I must be missing something. First, “custom” no longer exists. There is still “advanced search” but I see no way to exclude image results.

  4. Lucas said on April 17, 2014 at 1:52 am

    Thank you! I use this to look up gross things I don’t want to see pictures of.

    1. Kali said on February 17, 2016 at 5:50 pm

      YES!!! I wanted to check my spelling of the word ‘trypophobe’ and I almost threw up!

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