Quick Windows Productivity Tip
It happens every now and then that you need to perform an operation on several programs or windows at once, for example to minimize them, close them or display them side by side. Most Windows users perform the same operation for every program or window individually. A far better solution for this is to select multiple programs or windows at once and perform the desired action on all of them at once.
This can be done from within Windows without having to install additional software. To select multiple programs or windows at once press the Ctrl key while selecting the items in the Windows taskbar. You notice that every selected window or program will be shown as selected immediately.
To perform an action a right-click on any of the selected programs or windows is required. This right-click opens a context menu with five options for processing the selected windows.
Available options are cascade, tile horizontally or vertically, minimize or close.Especially the options to tile the windows horizontally or vertically can save lots of time or the need for third party software programs that offer this option.
This is an awesome tip and can really change the way you use your Windows machine. It’s also fun to find these little techniques that are built-in, rather than installing a zillion extra utilities to do the same thing as I used to do.
It should be noted that it doesn’t work in Windows 7 with it’s new taskbar paradigm.