PC Software

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 27, 2009
Software, Windows software

Probably one of the most important pieces of software you think about when looking to keep your PC healthy is anti-virus software. You have the option of purchasing top of the line software that will provide excellent protection, however unless you're running a business where damage caused by a virus could be potentially expensive, there are many free anti-virus programs that provide great protection too. Avast! and Avira are two very well regarded anti-virus programs which, if you so desire, you can pay to receive even better protection with their premium versions. If you want even better protection it is recommended you download a spyware and adware removal program, the best ones quite unanimously being Spybot and Ad-Adawre, both free programs as well.

If your PC's hard disk has Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (or S.M.A.R.T) you can enable it through your PC's BIOS in order to monitor your hard disk by having it report on factors that affect your hard disk's reliability. In order to see the results of this you need to download a free program called Active Disk Monitor, which can easily be found through Google or any other major search engine. Installing this will allow you to see the health of your hard disk so you will be able to anticipate failures so that you can purchase a new one and make appropriate backups before you lose all of you data.

Browsing the internet, running programs, deleting files and other typical activities on your PC causes many temporary files to be created on your PC. This can cause your computer to run slow and valuable hard disk space to be taken up. To remedy this there are two easy to use pieces of PC software that you can download and run for free. The first program is known as Clean-Up. Clean-Up will go through your computer and delete many of these unnecessary files and the best part is it works very fast and only requires the press of a button to run. The other program is called CCleaner. This program will also delete those unnecessary temporary files. It is best to run both of them so you can maximize the amount of files that are deleted. CCleaner also has another function though: it will clean up your registry. While having a registry with broken and useless keys doesn't normally cause a big problem, it doesn't hurt and sometimes if there are a large amount of problems it can cause problems. Also, to make sure you get rid of as many unnecessary files as possible you can also open up your internet browser, such as Firefox or Internet Explorer, and chose to clear the cache, delete cookies and other such things.

Obtaining PC software for maintenance can be a chore at first, but it is very important and in the long run can help yo


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