IMDB Movie Review Links

IMDB, the Internet Movie Database, is the authority website on the Internet when it comes to information about and reviews of movies. It offers an incredible amount of information about past, present and future movies including movie ratings, the list of actors and directors, in depth movie reviews, images and more.
Many users like to look-up movie information when they are browsing on other websites. This can be on shopping sites like Amazon or eBay, forums where movies are discussed or general websites that offer movie recommendations or lists.
Without a script, you have to copy the title of the movie, open a search engine or go to IMDb directly, paste the title, and browse the search results to find the movie that you are looking for.
The extension IMDB Movie Review for the Firefox web browser optimizes the process. It adds an option to the Firefox right-click menu that will perform a search for the selected phrase on IMDB directly eliminating the need to copy and paste the information manually.
The Firefox add-on IMDB Movie Review is compatible with Firefox 2.x and 3.0.x versions but unfortunately not with the latest 3.5x betas. It was however not a problem to force compatibility with the Nightly Tester Tools.
Update: IMDB Movie Review has been discontinued. The add-on is no longer available on the Mozilla Firefox add-on repository. Search IMDB is an alternative that is compatible with all recent versions of the web browser. The extension offers the same functionality.
The only configuration options it ships with allow you to select how search results are opened in the Firefox browser.
You can have them opened in a new tab, the current tab, or a new window. If you select new tab, you can additionally configure it to focus it so that you do not have to switch tabs manually.
The extension takes you to a search results page on IMDb most of the time.
I use -add to search addon- to add imdb or any other site- and mouse gestures -search selection with-
More convienent IMO-of course if you are used with gestures
You wouldn’t need it if you already have Ubiquity installed….