Firefox Custom Builds

Custom builds of the Firefox web browser are created by third-parties. They usually optimize Firefox (compiler and code), and sometimes add new features to the web browser, or even remove features from it.
Not many Firefox users know of the existence of custom builds; probably even less know that there is a third party builds forum at the Mozillazine website that only dealing with custom build announcements.
There are however two areas of concern about custom builds of the Firefox web browser: The first is a security concern as third party builds might contain hidden malicious code that would run in the web browser itself.
The second is program updates which usually are created later than the official Mozilla builds meaning that security patches and other improvements come to these third-party Firefox builds at a later point in time.
The following list contains only custom builds of the Firefox web browser that match the current official version of Firefox. Many custom builds have been discontinued along the road and are only offered as lower (and thus insecure) versions.
Firefox Custom Builds List
- Autofox (Linux) - 64-bit only optimized Firefox build [gone]
- Blazing Fast - What if Firefox was custom built to your particular CPU and even operating system? Wouldn’t it perform faster? The answer to that is a definite yes. The following builds of Firefox are optimized for particular CPUs to run specifically for Windows. They are also optimized according to the real world uses so that it performs the best on your desktop. [gone]
- Cyberfox - A Firefox build compiled with Visual Studio 2010 for Windows. It is available as a 64-bit version and as a portable version, and follows Firefox's stable release schedule.
- Firefox Ayakawa build (link 2) - Another set of optimized builds of the Firefox web browser.
- Firefox Musume Nightly Builds - Firefox musume CE is a customized and optimized version of Mozilla Firefox.
- Firefox Ultimate - an optimized version of Firefox optimized for processors with 4 or more cores. (last update in 2016)
- Lawlietfox - Custom build offering both stable and ESR versions. According to the author optimized for high performance. Lacks behind one version currently.
- Lightfirefox - Firefox custom builds with removed components. (last update in 2016)
- Palemoon - A 32-bit and 64-bit build of Firefox for Windows that does not follow Mozilla's rapid release schedule which is why the version is different from Firefox's most recent stable version. The author will not implement the Australis interface that Mozilla plans to ship in Firefox 29.
- pcxFirefox - Another Windows build that offers better performance and stability.
- Pigfoot - VC9-release patch, tweaks profile patch, Adobe Flash Player, Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin, Reduce memory usage, Speed improvement by using Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO), Support Mozilla Update Channel since Firefox
- RPM Builds (Mac G3, G4) - Optimised for G3, G4 (7450 & 7400).
- Swiftfox (Linux) - Swiftfox is an optimized build of Mozilla Firefox. Swiftfox has builds for both AMD and Intel processors and is based on the most cutting edge Firefox source code available.
- tete009 - optimized version of Firefox. (gone)
- Waterfox - A 64-bit only browser for Windows that is following Mozilla's official release schedule.
If you know of a custom build that has not been included in the list let us know in the comments so that we can add it to it.

This article needs another update!
Interesting info about this customs browser, that I did not know exist at all, especially this 64 bits browsers. To bad original normal Firefox browser do not switch to 64 bit. But one thing bothers me, that is about Kaspersky protection, Bitdefender protection etc. This add-on that have some more meaning etc knowing what web site that is safe and good. I like it when I google to know up in front what safety a web page do have. WOT (web of trust) is not good a nought alone. What about to put out some information about this important facts? I tried some of the 64 bits browser, and the difference in speed is almost as night and day. And even if I some how have a good computer speed in general, so are there also a fact that you can stress the browser much more under a 64 bit browser without loosing speed in the same matter as a 32 bit browsers do.
I would appreciate if someone could give any good clue to witch or how to have this protections so the custom 64 bit Firefox browser could allow this protection add-ons to functions in this custom browsers?
“If you know of a custom build that has not been included…”
Sorted the issue -silent did not work
Issue Link:
Light has a higher
benchmark than all the other alternatives out there
eg:waterfox,PCX Firefox, Palemoon etc. I tested all the ones on this link
WINDOWS 7/8/8.1
1. Install Light (firefox super fast alternative) and Firefox Preloader
2. Copy light.exe from C:\Program Files\Light to desktop
3. Rename light.exe on desktop to firefox
4. Drop firefox.exe back to C:\Program Files\Light
____Now two files in C:\Program Files\Light one is Light.exe and firefox.exe
5. Open Firefox Preloader from C:\Program Files (x86)\FirefoxPreloader
6. Right click tray icon and choose “preloader options”
7. Browse and choose location C:\Program Files\Light
8. Pin Light.exe to taskbar
9.Make Light default browser in light options in menu bar
dont click — Always check to see if light is the default browser on startup
10. Open a website/hyperlink from Windows Live Desktop App or any other method
Light Firefox has had too many good features removed for too little speed gain. I’ve used all of the Custom builds that work with Windows 7 64-bit. Palemoon is the worst and Cyberfox is the best.
Cyberfox is the fastest of all and gets updated more often than the others.
I recently stopped using Nightly 29.0 alpha Australis. It’s a wonderful build. But I find I can get more Viewport space with Cyberfox 26 or Firefox 26.
I disable the Title Bar, make tool bar buttons small, use Bookmarks Autohide addon, use Noia 4 addon to make toolbar buttons even smaller and shorter height tabs, remove the Firefox button, put my least used addon buttons on the Menu Bar and toggle it with the Alt Key. I put my most used addon buttons on the Nav Bar and sometimes on the Bookmarks Bar. I hide the Search Bar since I do all my searching in the Awesomebar. On the Bookmarks Toolbar I have buttons with about: and chrome:// urls to internal pages for quick access.
Cyberfox 26/Firefox 26 – Screen resolution is 1366×768
You should really get rid of the RPM Builds link and replace it with TenFourFox –
RPM Builds are incredibly old and out of date, whereas TenFourFox is (currently) using Firefox 24 ESR
how about Cyberfox? It’s newer to the scene I think since I first found out about it late last year. It seems to have optimized builds for both AMD and Intel Platforms, although its only available in 64-bit. Will be nice if you could do a review.
Missed the fastest ;)
Compiled for sse2 or sse3 in x86 and x64 flavours
Be careful about pcxfirefox! I wanted use a few old 3.6 builds (building a few hundred FF bots) but they contains virus. I don’t know about the never ones. So I went with PigFoot which so far are without any viruses
Don’t take Remi’s warning as gospel. If you research, I believe you’ll quickly discover the claim is unfounded and that pcxfirefox is NOT virus laden.
Why Is Pale Moon not in this list?! :o You’re missing out, especially with that Australis crap right around the corner now
Look again, Palemoon is there. But I notice that Cyberfox isn’t.
I did edit the article. I have added Cyberfox and several other builds to the article after your comment.
Pale Moon is the fastest for me:
Both x86 and x64 available. Even a x86 portable build. :)
It recently updated to version 7 as well
Hey, there are many corporate builds as Frontmotion CE that comes in .msi package, too.
Latko ftw on mac:
I’m not sure what you mean by disadvantages. I haven’t had any problems, and the only one I’m aware of, is the user agent string not containing ‘Firefox’.
I stayed 20 minutes while visiting above sites, so the least I can do is say “merci beaucoup” (french touch), Martin!
I’ve tried all but one of these before, and tete009’s build (‘pala’ as you call it) seems fastest. It scores 15 points higher than the ayakawa build, and 90 points higher than the latest nightly. I also found that the only beta 64-bit build I could find ( was slower than the 32-bit nightly, although I did try trunk, rather than beta.
Thanks I changed the name to tete009. Interesting tests that you performed LethAL. Would you recommend Tete009’s build to anyone then? I’m just wondering if it makes sense to run custom builds considering their disadvantages.
I just started using Tete’s build:
I’ve heard good things about it.