Cartoon shootout with Battlefield Heroes

Daniel Pataki
Apr 28, 2009
Updated • May 30, 2017

Battlefield Heroes was a free to play web browser game of the Battlefield franchise which used a cartoon style instead of realistic style. Battlefield Heroes was retired in July 2015. The game has been available for more than six years before it was pulled by Electronic Arts. The original article that we published when the game was first revealed back in 2009 is below.

A new chapter in the Battlefield series is coming out soon, and there are free beta keys being handed out, so go over there this instant and get one for yourself!

The new game brings a huge change, instead of going for realism, they went for a cartoon look, which looks pretty stunning I think. Many will be deterred by this, I suspect especially hardcore gamers, but if I want realism I'll jump down to a war zone and take a look myself. I think it's quite unique and it makes the game more accessible to other ages and our friends of the female persuasion (I might be able to get my girlfriend to play a round with me!).

I haven't played a lot with this series, I spent an hour or two with a newer one, and from what I can tell, the experience is much the same, but obviously very different due to the environment. I'm actually still waiting for my beta key, but to me the screenshots radiate much more of a fun factor than I've seen in games for a while.

Let us know if you've tried the game, I'll add a comment as an update as soon as I give it a go, I can't wait to shoot every one's cartoon bum out of the sky, woohoo!

Update: Battlefield Heroes is now open for registration. If you like to check out the browser game visit the official site, sign up for an account if you have not done so already, and download the game client to get going.

The game is obviously a lighter version of the Battlefield series, in a cartoon world. since it is a browser game, you have to understand that it is not providing the same level of controls that you have on the PC.

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  1. Mookels said on April 28, 2009 at 8:07 pm

    grenades and shotgun give an unfair advantage. if you want to be on top with points for the map that’s the only way to go. head-shots with sniper are completely random. tanks don’t deal enough damage to soldiers on foot, but if your in a jeep, 1 shot kills everyone on board. overall its a 4/5 cause its just plain fun. it would be pretty easy for the BFH team to make it 5/5. give the game to a bunch of Counter-Strike: Source players and they will make it a 5/5.

  2. Eric Caron said on April 28, 2009 at 2:46 pm

    Martin, I totally agree. I may have worded it poorly – I was trying to say that although BH is great, it doesn’t stand a chance of dethroning any of the juggernauts like TF2.

    1. Martin said on April 28, 2009 at 3:26 pm

      You worded it just fine Eric :)

  3. Eric Caron said on April 28, 2009 at 2:10 pm

    Nic is completely right. If you’re in the wrong class (like gunner), expect to be spending half the time running around on foot to try & find the action. And as cool as shooting down a plane sounds, it will never happen in-game. Ever.

    Its a pretty genius model, I’ve thought “maybe I should spend the $5 so my character can have a pirate hat”, but in the end you have to spend it all on health and renewing the guns that’re 5% better than the defaults.

    Its a great game, and its seen huge improvements. I just don’t want it over-hyped, because its good, but not “OMG! TF2 is done!” good.

    1. Martin said on April 28, 2009 at 2:15 pm

      TF2 is a great game, actually the game that I have the most fun playing at the moment.

  4. Rush said on April 28, 2009 at 2:09 pm

    Thanks, Daniel. I played Bad Company, and liked it. I will give this one a try.

  5. Nic Moon said on April 28, 2009 at 9:57 am

    It’s alright. Character are basically un-customizeable without paying money. Gameplay is mediocre because I think the classes can easily play themselves in a way where the other classes can’t really counter.

    For example:
    On a large map the only way for a soldier/gunner to take out a sniper is to take a tank over there. But if you spawn in the middle of the map where only one tank spawns you can easily be left without one. Oh and did I mention that snipers can cloak…(solely distance based)

    Vice-versa on a small map the sniper is less effective the closer you get leaving the sniper with a knife or a pistol. Although the knife is also extremely buggy.

    IMO, serious flaws that need to be worked out before a release. I would call it 1.0, but the weird thing is their version number is past 1.0 but still in beta.

  6. bob said on April 28, 2009 at 9:07 am

    Looks like they have fuc*ed this game up lol

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