Full Screen Writer Write Monkey
Write Monkey is a text editor that offers several unique features to stand out of the masses of other writers and editors.
The first and probably most noticeable feature is that the text editor launches in full screen mode by default. The initial version of Write Monkey shipped with a black screen interface that showed no text editing buttons, toolbars, or other menu options.
The most recent version of Write Monkey has a grayish background however. You may edit this in the preferences if you prefer light green text on black background that the initial version of the application offered.
A right-click in the interface opens a menu that lists all the available options that are at the writer's disposal. This includes switching between full and window mode, loading and saving options, switching between text and repository, or enabling so called jumps.
Write Monkey review
Jumps display bookmarks, paragraphs and headings of the text in a separate always on top window which makes it convenient and comfortable to navigate the text. The colors and pretty much any design parameter can be changed in the program's option so that you can select your own fonts, colors and customize the page layout.
The repository, which was mentioned earlier, is not part of the original text but is connected to it. It can be filled with ideas and text that is not yet ready to be included in the main text document. This is useful for longer texts, a novel for instance or script, as you may use it to park ideas and information.
Texts can be saved in text format only with the option to export markup - like bold or italic text - so that it can be viewed correctly in web browsers and word processors.
Another interesting feature is the progress bar which can be used to define a text length which is often required when writing journalistic texts or essays. The very same menu offers countless statistics about the text that has been written so far, and a function called sprint writing which limits the writing time. Both the text progress and the time limit can be displayed in the main interface.
Additional features:
- Customizable Printing
- Auto Saving.
- Spell Checker
- Multi Monitor Support
- Firefox Integration
- Auto Backups, History
- Replacements (add predefined text by writing shortcuts)
- Bookmarks
- Markup support
- Plugin support (since version 2.5, requires a donor account)
- Lookups to find information online using dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other resources.
- Segment focus which focuses on a segment of text by hiding the rest.
The main problem that many writers will face is that the document can only be saved in text format which might require a few additional steps in another word processor to save the document in another format or to beautify it before publishing it or sending it in.
Write Monkey is a portable application for the Windows operating system that requires the Microsoft .net Framework 2.0 or higher
Write Monkey is a writer's text editor. If you write texts regularly, for research, study, or as a profession, then you may find the focus on writing and the feature set that Write Monkey offers very useful for that.
Best of all, the program is free and while plugin uses is limited to users who donate to the project, you may like the program this much that you don't mind donating to it so that it's development continues.
Yeah, but some PIXELS remain. And it’s distracting :-P
I just can’t get it to work in fullscreen. My taskbar stays visible no matter what I do.
If it wasn’t for that glitch I would happily ditch Q10 for this. Some features are great.
(And yes, I do have the last .NET framework installed).
Well you could auto hide your taskbar ;)
garbanzo: just change the background color to black and the glow will go away…
full screen gives me a strange green glow on the sides of my LCD. too bad, because i like the features and the ease of use.
i guess i’ll stick with Q10…
FWIW, Notepad++ users aren’t without fullscreen mode. As in a browser, F11 makes Notepad++ go fullscreen. Its colors can be configured similar to Write Monkey. That’s not to say it replaces Write Monkey, but for Notepad++ users interested specifically in those features, there’s no need to use another program.
wow, so simple, so cool… love it already
Wow. It basically has all of the features of DarkRoom, and then some. Very nice, and portable.
Most importantly, it doesn’t force you to go fullscreen (F10 options, disable starting fullscreen). I like the option of picking green text on black, of course.
Concerning the inability to save as doc, etc… the only point in using a word processor like this is the dark theme ability and the lack of distractions. Copy/paste into Openoffice is just part of the process. Not a big deal for me, at least.