Open Random Website In Firefox

Martin Brinkmann
Dec 1, 2008
Updated • Oct 7, 2012
Firefox, Firefox add-ons

Are you feeling bored right now? Don't know what to do? If you want to spend time on the Internet but don't know where, you might let fate decide instead. Random Site is a Firefox add-on that opens a random page in the currently active tab in Firefox.

It takes those pages from Google Search History. It's a service by Google that is recording the web activities of a logged in user. To be honest I have no idea how the random pages are fetched only that they are not necessarily the pages that you visited previously. A quick test with the test search lead to Engadget, BoingBoing and Youtube.

The random site add-on is powered by a small button that has to be moved to one of the Firefox toolbars. This is done with a right-click on blank space of a toolbar and the selection of Customize from the menu.

Once the button has been dragged and dropped to the toolbar it can be used to load a random page in the active tab. If the user is not logged into his Google account he will be prompted to do so after the first start.

This function looks pretty similar to the stumble button of the Stumbleupon toolbar but it is definitely an interesting option as it launches websites that have not been previously visited by the user. If anyone knows additional details about how the websites are selected then let us know in the comments.

Update: The Firefox add-on is not available anymore, and there is no comparable add-on available for the Firefox web browser currently. I can provide you with two alternatives though. First Stumbleupon which has been available for several years.  You can visit this page to get a taste of what the site is about by clicking on the stumble button on the page, and if you like what you see, sign up for the service to use all of the features.

The second option is random website, which basically takes you to a random site on the Internet when you click on the random link button.


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  1. kgscomm said on August 11, 2012 at 3:27 pm

    There is also
    Generates link to random website.

  2. Anonymous said on January 15, 2009 at 9:40 am

    Why don’t you just use stumble upon if you want a random website? It gives you a random website, but not quite random, it gives you a site according to your interests and learns from what you like and don’t like.

  3. joe said on December 6, 2008 at 9:27 pm

    there is no button on my list

  4. Roberto said on December 2, 2008 at 10:10 am

    This is just what i need for my FF !!

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