Track Album Releases Automatically

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 12, 2008
Updated • Mar 19, 2011
Internet, Music, Music and Video

The Internet can provide music fans with lots of information about their favorite artists including tour dates or upcoming albums. The website Muspy can help you with the latter by tracking the album releases of selected artists and sending out information whenever a new album release is announced.

The service requires registration which is a quick and painless process. After signing up and in artists can be added that the user wants to track. The database of artists and releases is directly taken from MusicBrainz which ensures that most artists will be found and can be tracked.

The releases of all entered artists can be tracked afterwards. Notifications can be received by email or RSS news feed if that is preferred. Additionally only certain release types (albums, singles, compilations, live etc) can be monitored.

Another interesting feature is that artists can be imported from usernames. It does not necessarily have to be the user's account because all that is needed for import is the username and the maximum amount of artists that should be imported.

No advertisement is currently send with the emails or news feeds which one would almost except from such a service. Could be that the developers have plans to add links to shops at a later stage but even that should not be a huge drawback for the service.


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  1. ulrich said on November 17, 2008 at 6:06 pm

    You should also try
    It uses Amazon’s database, so no important album releases are missing.

  2. damiankrol said on November 14, 2008 at 11:29 pm

    I wondering why haven’t realized yet this could be useful on their website.

    Anyway, thanks for posting :)

  3. Anonymous said on November 13, 2008 at 9:42 am


    Thanks for the recommendation! Awesome page.

  4. DOOOMKULTUS said on November 12, 2008 at 7:25 pm

    Check out
    much simpler.

  5. -=Ben=- said on November 12, 2008 at 5:02 pm

    Muspy can even take in your Last.FM artists… WOW!

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