Microsoft To Cut Standard Applications from Windows 7
In a somewhat surprising move Microsoft confirmed to Cnet that the upcoming Windows 7 operating system will not make use of preinstalled email, photo editing and movie making applications that were included in Windows Vista. This means that Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Mail, and Windows Movie Maker will not be included in a standard Windows 7 installation.
The programs have been removed completely and Microsoft decided to provide access to the Windows Live versions only. Users who would like the functionality would have to download the Windows Live Wave 3, or probably Windows Live Wave 4, applications from the Internet. Some OEM bundled Windows 7 computer systems might come with those featured on the Windows 7 installation DVD.
The move looks like a major turnaround from Microsoft's previous strategy which focused on including as many applications as possible in Windows operating systems. The move makes sense in several aspects; It was not really logical to offer two applications that offered a similar functionality in first place. It meant twice the development force and technical support which can be drastically reduced by focusing on one application only.
Users on the other hand were confused with the additional choices that Windows Live offered them. Lastly that move will please many experienced Windows users who prefer to have a say in which applications get installed on their system. Experienced users do not use many of the default Windows applications and prefer to install third party software instead which usually offers better functionality, runs faster and less problematic.
If only they would decouple Windows Media Player and Microsoft Internet Explorer from the system as well. What are your thoughts? Is that a good move in the right decision or purely a business decision to save money and free resources?
I think it’s just a logical progression Microsoft is following from when they launched Vista:
“Give them less so you can charge them more.”
@ Roman ShaRP:
I too started using Ubuntu this April!
I like it more than Vista. Hope you like it too. I have even started a simple blog on Ubuntu- No Geeky stuff. Hope you like it. Click on my name on the comments section to go there!
they probably just expanded the Welcome Center,
added a new 50mb pinball game demo, and included a ‘clowns and dinosaurs’ cursor theme, so they had to make some room on the installation DVD :)
I think they just trying to tie more users to that Live. Not a chance with me. I don’t trust MS, and I hope that Ubuntu will be my next home OS.
As for OS at office – I never trust MS solutions there, replacing all of them.
How about this for an idea?
M$ adds opensource software in Windows 7.
Firefox renamed to IE 8 and put in Win &?
Dumbed down GIMP for MS Paint?
Useing VLC as a backport in for playing video on WMP?
Avast in as AV? I know it isn’t free
Doesn’t this idea ROC?
Most users won’t bother downloading these apps, however good they might be. Only 20% bothered to download Firefox and it weighs in 7 mb.
And Martin if IE 8 isn’t there on Windows 7 how the hell am I supposed to download Firefox huh? Its time the anti- incumbency people learnt using internet. Yoy cannot create browser on your own. You require one to download Firefox!
Also WMP rules for playing MP3’s iTunes sucs. VLC rox for playing videos. Only these 2 are required.
I think it has something to do with the whole monopolistic débacle of bundling WMP with the OS i.e. they decided to ‘look good’ in the eyes of the EU by ‘giving the user more choice’. And money, of course.
I bet seven will still require a DVD(-DL) to install, though. Get it on a CD, and I’ll be impressed.
“If only they would decouple Windows Media Player and Microsoft Internet Explorer from the system as well.”
Is it really even possible to detach these from the operating system? I suppose it would be more likely to happen with WMP, but IE still has one function: downloading Firefox.