Reduce The Computer Mouse Speed

Martin Brinkmann
Sep 13, 2008
Software, Windows

Some software programs demand sensitive mouse movements under certain circumstances. A graphic designer who is working on an image needs to make pixel-based changes to images that he is working with and a mouse on steroids does not help that much when trying to hit that pixel that needs to be changed.

SlowMousion comes to the rescue. The software sits quietly in the system tray upon installation and provides the user with one feature: To slow down the computer mouse speed. It makes use of a global hotkey to slow down the computer mouse. By default that hotkey is the Windows key but it can be changed to other keys, and the left-, middle- and right-mouse buttons.

The mouse speed is reduced to a fraction of the normal speed upon pressing the hotkey which has to be pressed continuously for the effect to last.

SlowMousion does not (unfortunately) come with options to adjust the slow down factor which would definitely be a recommended setting for an updated version.

The software program is compatible to windows2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista.


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