Grouped Access Tools

Grouped Access Tools is an advanced Windows Process Manager which can hold its grounds on many levels when you compare it to the popular Process Explorer.
There is definitely room for improvement especially on the visual side which Process Explorer handles professionally. Grouped Access Tools is more of a hidden gem that shows its beauty only to those who explore the program's functions.
The main window of the Access Tools application presents the running processes on the system.
Information like memory usage of each process, the company and ID are presented in the interface which is automatically updated in real time. The lower pane displays an event viewer module that highlights important events, for instance when processes are started or terminated.
A click on a process displays additional information about that process such as its parent process or system path.
Grouped Access Tools
This is one of the areas that Process Explorer handles in a better way. The Sysinternal's application displays all processes in a tree view with child processes beneath their parent's processes which improves the overview that you have significantly.
Grouped Access Tools would be nothing more than a better Windows Task Manager if that would be the complete functionality the tool has to offer.
Thankfully though it is not. A right-click on a process opens a quick access menu to functions like terminating, suspending, resuming or wiping the memory of the selected process.
It is a bit strange that not all of the functions are available on the right-click menu, especially those that open windows with extensive information about the selected process. More than half of the available functions are only accessible from the top menu.
The Process Information window for instance contains five tabs with extensive information about modules, threads, handles, file information and process information.
Grouped Access Tools comes with a memory dump and memory editing function which could be quite interesting for debugging purposes. Below is a list of features taken from the developer's homepage which the Access Tools have that Process Explorer does not.
- Auto Filing/ Move on Boot
- Auto Processing
- Hidden Process Scanning
- Module (DLL) Termination
- Multiple methods of ending a process
- Multiselection and handling
- Process Logging
- Running programs in System Mode
Process Explorer on the other hand provides access to several tools that Grouped Access Tools provide only partially or not at all.
Grouped Access Tools runs on all Windows NT systems including Windows XP and Windows Vista. Provided are a portable version and a version that has to be installed.
Note: Grouped Access Tools is no longer available on the developers homepage. We have uploaded the latest working version of the program to our own server for archiving purposes. We don't offer support for the program in any way though. You may download the program with a click on the following link: (Download Removed)