Registry Cleanup with RegDefrag

The excellent registry cleanup tool Quicksys RegDefrag is now available in version 2.0. It features a new registry scan algorithm, improved Windows 64-bit performance and multi-language support among other additions.
The Registry cleanup tool quickly scans the Windows Registry to find gaps, fragments and wasted space and displays a quick report after the Registry scan that outlines the gain from defragmenting the Registry.
A smaller Registry has several advantages including a faster system start and an overall increase in system performance. It is necessary to close all open software programs before starting the Registry scan.
RegDefrag provides access to automatic System Restore Point creation and Registry backups before starting the defragmentation. Both can be configured in the program's options.
A html report can be created in the end which provides an in depths summary of the Registry cleanup process. The computer system has to be restarted before the changes take effect.
Update: The official program and developer website is no longer available. It returns a not found error when you try to open it. We have removed the link therefor from the article, and suggest that you use an alternative instead as you may run into compatibility issues eventually due to lack of updates.
A free alternative is WinASO RegDefrag. It optimizes the Registry in three steps. It scans the Registry in the beginning, displays the result of the analysis in the second step, and leaves it up to you to go ahead with the defragmentation.
The program supports a quick defragmentation option which takes about a minute to complete, and a full defragmentation which takes up to ten minutes but often has a more positive effect on the system.
The application displays the size reduction in the report. If it is in the Megabyte range, you may want to go ahead with the defragmentation to speed up the start of the system.
@Martin: How is it compared to Auslogics Registry Defrag? Is worth switching?
I’ve tried Quicksys RegDefrag. My Registry had been defraged 24 hrs before by ‘ERUNT NT Registry Optimizer’ ; Quicksys analyzed and reported defragmentation was not necessary (leaving no alternative to defrag whatever so). Calling back ERUNT, analyze reported a very little fragmentation (<1%), but did indeed report it, allowing an unnecessary defragmentation, but reporting it and allowing it. So I consider – in a logic which may not be shared – that ‘ERUNT NT Registry Optimizer’ remains my favorite.
How does this compare to NTREGOPT/ERUNT?
The GUI looks nice but I wonder if it is better than this time tested and true duo – just curious :-)
OK, Martin, thanks. I have always considered the Registry as the spine, and surgeons hate to operate the spine… I’ll take your advice, keep what works and install alternatives to compare, though comparison here may not be obvious. I’d have to make a ghost copy of the drive, defrag Registry with one software and note changes, recall ghost copy and defrag Registry with second software, and compare. Problem with Registry is that problems don’t always show immediately… anyway, I have difficulty to imagine how a Registry deframentation could damage the Registry, as opposed to Registry cleaners where the possible harm is more obvious … as a morale of the story, the worst situations in life are when you know enough to imagine, and too little to resolve!
Thanks again.
Transcontinental a change in the algorithm could simply mean that they improved it to increase performance. I would not change if ERUNT works for you. You could however install RegDefrag just to check out how it compares to ERUNT.
On the other hand ERUNT does not seem to have been updated in three years time which is not necessarily a problem but I prefer to use newer software usually if both offer the same functionality.
Hello Martin,
Looks very nice, but is it as reliable as ‘ERUNT NT Registry Optimizer’ ? QuickSys notifies that they have changed their defragmentation algorithm, which does mean that the Registry may be defragmented in different ways, which I ignored.
Martin, can I ask you your advice concerning QuickSys compared to ERUNT, do you believe it is worth changing ? (your responsibility is not engaged, just to have a clue)
I really love this tool, because it just work.
Time to install the new version :-P