Quick Resolution Changer

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 11, 2008
Updated • Jul 4, 2008
Software, Windows

You might probably like the software Quick Res for Windows XP if you regularly have to change the resolution of the operating system. If you change the resolution manually you have to navigate through a series of menus to finally come to the point where you can select the new resolution for the system.

Once you want to change it again you have to go into that menu again to do so unless you keep it open all the time which is probably not such a handy solution.

QuickRes comes to the rescue. It adds an icon to the Windows System Tray that provides right-click access to all compatible monitor resolutions that can be changed with just another click.

The user selects a resolution and a click on the refresh rate changes the resolution to the selected one. It is advised to make sure that Windows is only displaying compatible modes in the Display Properties because that's the source where QuickRes is pulling the information from and it can come to errors if resolutions are selected that the monitor or video card are not capable of displaying properly.


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  1. kenny said on February 24, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    I usually change resolution through Nvidia control panel since there are many useful setting saved there like refrsh rate and 3d acceleration.

  2. Will Chris said on July 13, 2008 at 3:43 pm

    Replying on Jojo’s comment..

    U shouldn’t think that everyone have Nvidia VGA card..

    this tool is very helpful PC owner who doesn’t hav any resolution changer tool.

    Like mine..
    on my CPanel.. there’re only few resolution size options..

  3. Bill said on July 12, 2008 at 6:30 pm

    MultiRes is similar to QuickRes. Take a look at it for comparison.

    From the website:
    “MultiRes 1.58 update

    MultiRes is a small, free, 32-bit alternative to QuickRes, with refresh rate, multi-user and multi-display support for up to nine display devices under Windows 9x/Me and Windows NT/2000/XP. This release of the award-winning utility includes improved scripting support for dynamic display arrays, fast user switching, and ClearType settings – including RGB/BGR and contrast settings.”


  4. Jojo said on July 12, 2008 at 12:19 am

    Don’t know why anyone would need these resolution control softwares. I have an Nvidia based card and there is a tray app called Nvidia Settings that allows on the fly resolution changing. Why run extra software when you don’t need it?

    1. Stephen2 said on February 9, 2010 at 7:22 pm

      Did you consider that not everyone has a Nvidia card? (Duh.)

      This is just what I need.

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