Icon Search Engine

If you do not like to create your own icons with a program like IcoFX Icon Editor you can use the Icon Look search engine instead which provides an easy to use interface and search. The main interface consists of a search form and three links in the footer. The search results are quickly displayed after entering a search term and hitting enter or clicking on the Look button.
By default icons of all supported sizes (12x12 16x16 22x22 32x32 48x48 64x64 128x128) are selected and displayed in the search results. Each size can be unchecked so that only those icons are displayed that have the desired size. Many icons are available in several sizes.
A click on an icon loads a detailed profile page of that icon displaying it in all available sizes. The license and the website of the developer is listed on that page as well.
Iconlook offers two additional search options. The first is the random search which displays random icons on the result page. The second is a tag cloud which is huge and kinda confusing.
Still if you are looking for icons you will definitely find a great selection at Iconlook.
Update: The Icon Look search engine is no longer available. When you open the website today, you get a parked domain full of ads and no useful content whatsoever.
I suggest you use an alternative such as IconFinder which you can use to find high quality icons. Just enter a search term you are interested in on the main page and wait for the results to be populated. It should not take longer than a second for that to happen, and what you get is a thumbnail listing of icons that match your query. You can download any icon with a click on the png or ico link next to it, and display licensing information with a click on info.
Check out http://www.iconfinder.net