To-Do List Doomi

Doomi is a great looking to-do list for Windows that requires Adobe Air. You know that I'm not a fan of applications that look great but do not provide any other functionality that makes it worth using them. Doomi provides a simple interface in which users can enter their to-dos which will be added to the list of active to-dos. Checking an active to-do transfers it to the old to-dos which can be shown or hidden in the same interface.
By default neither the active nor old to-dos are shown in the interface, this can be changed with one mouse click however. A reminder can be set for each to-do which will alert the user after some time has passed.
The interface does not stay on top all the time and there is unfortunately no configuration menu at all. You cannot set transparency levels for instance or make the application stay on top. What I really would like to see in a new version would be support for hotkeys, transparency and a sticky interface that can be set to be always on top.
Are you using a different to-do list? Let me know about it, I'm really looking for a simple one with a good functionality and low memory consumption.
Update: Doomi is still available and working fine at the time of writing (2012). It is not clear when the latest version has been released, and if it is maintained at all by its developer. That's not a big issue right now as it is still working with the latest version of Adobe Air.
I have just discovered Doomi and I absolutely love it. Thanks for the tip.
I use Swift To-Do List
After having gone through several to-do lists, both online and off, that’s the one I settled on.
A recent entry into the online arena looks pretty good:
I use the to-do-list gadget for igoogle. I’m on Firefox all the time anyway, plus I can have it handy wherever I’ve got internet:
I just use a xls file with 1 week on 1 sheet and then 7 boxes for the 7 days.
On the left space for telling what the deadlines homework and tasks are and on the right side every cel is one hour from 7:00 until 24:00
Simple but it works
I actually go about all my tasking with a program that uses roughtly 1792K of my system memory. I leave it open and I got down everything in it, I even add phone numbers, addresses, anything that I need to remember to transcribe to a different location. I use notepad. (If you’re interested Martin )
I wonder why you would have a to-do list but not a full fledged PIM.
There’s an idea for a post – what PIM do you use and what makes it so useful to you?
Another one : Sciral Consistency
Very specific : for recurring task
The free version admit only 5 tasks in a sheet.
The only true todolist : Todolist
The most amazing software that I use!
Complete, free, opensource, useful.
A great piece of software!!!