Create folders faster

The common way to create folders in Windows is to right-click the folder that you are in, select New > Folder from the menu and name the folder when the creation dialog appears. If you prefer to use the command line, you may use Ctrl-Shift-n to create a new folder faster.
If you need to create multiple folders then you may notice rather quickly that both options are not ideal, and that's when Make New Folder could become a great asset.
The lightweight application lets you create folders faster by using the methods that it provides instead of Windows Explorer to do so.
When you are in Windows Explorer you can access Make New Folder through a keyboard shortcut that you define.
The menu pops up and you can enter a folder name and click on create to create that folder. While this is already nice, it is not really faster than adding folders directly in Windows Explorer.
Enter the program's advanced syntax. If you want to create multiple folders you divide them with "|". Creating the folders test, test1 and test can be done with the command test | test1 | test2 into the form.
Leading and trailing spaces will be stripped but are important for keeping an overview.
It is also possible to create subfolders this way. Subfolders used the "<>" syntax. To create test1 as a subfolder of test I would use the command test | <test2>. It is also possible to create several subfolders if you divide them with the "|" command.
Before you start you should add a keyboard shortcut to Make New Folder. You do this by right-clicking the program icon in the startmenu and selecting properties there. Now click in the Shortcut Key field and press a key combination, the author suggests ALT + F2 but any free combination will do.
It is important that the address bar and the full path of the folder is shown in Windows Explorer. To ensure this click on View > Toolbars and check the address bar entry if it does not show up. Then click onTools > Folder Options and select the View tab in the new window. Make sure "Display the full path in the address bar" is checked in there, if not do it.
Update: Make New Folder is no longer available. We have uploaded the most recent version of the program to our own server. Please note that we don't support the program in any way. If you still want to download the program, click on the following link to do so: (Download Removed)

Or press F8 in xplorer2. ;)