Google Earth adds the Sky

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 24, 2007
Updated • Dec 13, 2012

Google Earth is a interesting application not only for geographers but also for everyone else who is interested in the earth.It is an excellent tool for students for instance when they need to look up information for their geography homework and also great for people who are about to go on holiday to look at the country or region they are about to visit.

All the addons that are available for it make it a great experience to learn more about the earth. The sky is the limit, that's what Google probably thought when they decided to add the Sky - that's the blue thingy above your head with all the shiny stars - to Google Earth.

The software is still called Google Earth but offers a button that takes you to the sky where you can zoom into stars and galaxies, display additional information such as constellations. Images from the Hubble space telescope are visible and enriched with further explanations of what you are actually seeing when looking at them.

Take a look at the video below to see a short demonstration of some of the features of Google Earth Sky.. They should probably think about a new name for this one.

download: Google Earth

Please note that you will download Google Chrome with Google Earth by default and also make the browser the default web browser on your system unless you uncheck both options on the Google Earth download page.

The Sky is only one of the places that you can explore when you use Google Earth. Bsides sky and earth, you can now also explore the moon and mars using the software. Just switch between the different options in the application interface and you are ready to go.


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