What is the name of this song?

I can't remember the name of the song but it goes something like this..If you ever have been in a situation where you were not able to remember the name of a song that you heard either because it was played on radio or a song of the past, you should check out the new service Midomi to get a good chance to discover the song's name.
This can also happen when you watch a video on YouTube and notice a song that is played in it, watch a movie trailer, a TV show episode, or hear someone whistling a tune.
Midomi offers two ways to find the name of a song or artist who performed the song. The first method requires a microphone while the second requires textual information about the song.
If you got a microphone you can sing or hum part of the song that you remember and Midomi tries to find information about that song in its database. This works pretty well even if you are not a professional singer, especially if the song is popular. Note that Midomi suggests that you sing at least for ten seconds to increase the accuracy of the results.
The second method requires that you can remember fragments of the lyrics of the song. Just enter the text that you can remember into the search box on the main page of Midomi and wait until the search finds possible matches which are displayed on the next page which loads automatically.
You can play the songs that have been found to find the one that you are looking for if it is also in their database.
Midomi offers a great way to find songs that you crave to know more details about. It is definitely an option especially if not knowing something makes you crazy. If you have ever experienced humming a song all day long without knowing the artist or name then you may want to start using the service to provide you with the answer you are seeking.
Tunatic is a free program for Windows and Mac that you can use instead. It does require an Internet connection, likely to tap into the online database to identify songs. The program works in pretty much the same way as Midomi. Start to sing the song that you want to identify and wait until the results are displayed to you.
Shazam is another option that you have. It is available as an application for various mobile devices and Windows 8. It recognizes music that is playing around you so that you can check it out or buy it directly on Amazon if available.
You can use the microphone to send music from audio sources, a video or mp3 tune, to both services to improve the chance of proper identification.
Some Verizon Wireless cell phones have what is called “Song ID” that you can use to do about the same task. Although its made to use while the song is playing from the radio or something, not singing it yourself.
OMG! A couple of days before i dreamed of such a service and now it is also possible in the real world haha