Crunchyroll Asian Movie site with many translations

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 29, 2007
Updated • Jul 8, 2013
Music and Video, Video

I love Asian movies, especially the ones from South Korea and Japan which sometimes reach a quality that is on par with only the most exclusive movies from Hollywood. But there is more than Takashi Miike and Takeshi Kitano, just consider all the great Anime movies or television series that rarely make an appearance on Western television.

Crunchyroll is a video portal that makes available many movies from Asia including Anime, Music Videos and Drama which can be watched online after registration. While the video resolution is not the best, I personally think it is better to be able to watch them at all than only in high quality resolutions. Plus, most videos posted on the site have subtitles included which increases the value for us non-Japanese/Korean/Chinese speaking folks incredible.

There is however a way to watch them in better resolution. This is by donating money ($6 for a month) to the site owners which enables higher resolutions for the movies. But don't worry, the quality of the movies is good enough to enjoy them even if you do not pay.

Crunchyroll has a lot to discover and offers some great value for its members.

Update: Crunchyroll is now offering free accounts on the site. Non-members get limited access to the video selection. The site has created three subscription-based membership levels which provide access to all drama titles, all anime titles, and every title on the site. Subscriptions start at 4.99€ per month for the drama or anime plan, or 8.99€ for the complete membership. The site offers a two-week trial, and seems to have licenses the contents officially.

You can watch at least some of the videos directly on the site without having to create an account first.

The website is excellent if you like Japanese Anime or Korean Drama, especially since you do get the translations with every video that you watch on the website.

So, what kind of shows do you find on the site? Here is a short selection:

  • Anime: Naruto Shippuden, Attack on Titan, Hunter x Hunter, Bleach, Reborn, Gintama, Space Brothers, Naruto Spin Off
  • Drama: Yi San, Dong Yi, 1000 Kisses, Random Hero, Unstoppable Hich Kick, East of Eden, The Slave Hunters

There are hundreds of series available for you to watch. Note that availability is limited to unregistered members. You can sign up for an account, and pay either $6.95 to get access to all Drama or Anime shows, or $11.95 to get access to both.


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  1. coco said on June 29, 2007 at 8:07 pm

    haha. didnt think cr will make it to this site. this is my favourite video streaming site since last year.

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