Show 100 Search Results on Google per page

Google displays 10 search results by default which is probably enough for most users who statistically use the first ten results most of the time and ignore the rest of the results. In fact, most users click on the first result only which is why it is such a desired location to be listed in.
I on the other hand like to view more than one page, especially lately with the quality of search deteriorating month by month. The limitation to ten results is somewhat of a burden to me. If I need to browse the first five or ten pages, I need to click four to nine times to to so as Google displays only ten results per page.
I started to look into options to increase the number of results on Google search results pages to more than 10 and stumbled upon the following userscript. Google 100 changes the number of results on Google to 100 instead of the default 10.
What more? You can modify the number if you want by editing the results per page value under script commands to a value between 1 and 100.You do need to install Greasemonkey for it if you are using the Firefox web browser.
Greasemonkey is a Firefox extension that allows you to customize the way webpages look and work. Users have already created thousands of scripts for Greasemonkey that can do all sorts of things like removing unneeded features (like the comments) from sites like YouTube.
Back to the Google 100 script: Whenever you perform a search on Google you will see 100 results on the first page which means that I do not have to click that much anymore to display more than ten results in the search engine.
The Greasemonkey script only works if you open the Google homepage, it does not work with Google search bars for instance. It is true that this can be changed in the preferences which adds a cookie to your system. The Greasemonkey script works without cookies obviously.
Update: The script has not been updated since 2007 and is not working anymore as a result. I have removed its link from the article as it does not make sense to keep it up.
Let me show you how to modify the number of results using the preferences on Google Search (check the second update below, Google has modified the layout and menus again..)
- Open the Google website and search for a random term.
- Click on the settings button on the top right and select Search Settings from the context menu.
- If you have Google Instant Predictions turned on, switch that feature to "never show Instant results".
- You do need to turn off Instant as it limits the results to 10 automatically.
- Once done, move the slider under results per page to 100 or another value displayed here.

All searches that you run from this moment on will display the new number of results instead of ten.
Update 2: As I mentioned earlier, things have changed a bit. The settings link is now displayed on the main Google Search web page in the lower right corner. You do not need to run a search first to display it anymore.
Here you find the results per page option listed directly, and you can move the slider from 10 results per page to another value such as 50 or even 100 which is the maximum.
Don't forget to click on the save button below as the changes won't be remembered otherwise. Please note that you need to be signed in for the changes to become available to you.
Yes you can change your search settings by URL ( and view 100 results in one page.
no no, you need to add
(there was a typo in the Dr.Death comments )
Exactly what I was looking for, but unfortunately Google does not permit &unm=100 in instant results :(
only add &unm=100 to google url, and you will get the 100 result in one page
If you want to show more than 10 results, instead of using Google 100, why don’t you just change the Preferences in Google??? I can’t believe someone made an extension for that. LOL.
I tried the about:config hack and it didn’t work. I found an “all.js” script in the Firefox installed directory “greprefs” and that didn’t help either.
I could swear I saw something about changing something in the documents and settings application for mozilla.
In firefox just type about:config in address bar. Then change the value for Keyword.Url to
Now you can do a 100 result Google search right from the address bar. I never go to google’s page for anything at any point. I do images/news/maps using quicksearch keywords right from the address bar and removed the search box all together.
Tarantas the main advantage is that you do not need to use a cookie (or edit the preferences everytime you delete the cookie)
I’m not sure why u want to install this tool. U can easily change your results to 100 in the preferences @ google. you have to activate cokies i guess.
Nice!! i am googler(!!). this is useful