Games for the Weekend Zelda Ocarina of Time 2D
I review about a new game that you can play on the weekend on every Friday of the week. This time it is a remake of a classic game: Zelda Ocarina of Time. The developer created a 2D version of this classic game which can be downloaded from the project website.
If you remember the original Zelda games The legend of Zelda for the NES or a Link to the past for the snes you may be in for a surprise. The game looks and feels a lot like those classic Zelda games which were always tremendous fun to play.
The file that you have to download is called OOT GB Demo. Please note that this game is currently a demonstration only, I'm not sure how far you can play at the moment, the author however is still developing the game which means that we can except a complete game to be released in the future.
The story follows Link, a young boy living with a race called the Kokiri, who is called by the Great Deku Tree and discovers he must go on a quest to amazingly stop a "dark stranger" who lays a curse on the tree, and eventually travels back and forth through time to help save Hyrule from destruction by the forces of evil.
Enjoy this classic game, please note that you will have to create a save game first before you can start playing the game. Make sure you read the readme file that is included in the download to know about the keys that are used to play the game.
Update: You can download the latest version of Zelda Ocarina of Time from the forum the game was originally announced on. The latest version is still a demo, and it appears that the developer has stopped development in 2007.
hurry the fuck up i want to play this game
how to doawnload
i think zelda ocaioa of time is no match for mjoras mask n win waker is good but hateh hair! i put happy face :)
:P No comment, but check your spelling.
You’re right… O, and BTW? Stop spamming. I do not know if you weren’t looking at the screen when you typed this or not, but start paying attention to your Keyboard & Computer monitor.
Where Can I Download This?!
from what i’ve heard nintendo are releasing an OoT on the DS. I can’t remember where i’ve seen it, but i believe this to be real
Barris isn’t dead, there’s so much proof agaisnt his death, like all his youtube sign in’s,people on msn who talk to him , save teh chat logs, and have posted them on google. He’s just pissed ,becuase he has so much preasure, Idk if the gaems still coming, out but if it does its going to take while befpre he steps, up , and then he’ll have critism of faking a death to deal with, few more years, and then, just amybe we’ll finally see LoZOoT 2-D.
I think that if nintendo made oot for DS they would make so much money. they should make a 3D verson of the game and a 2D version of the game on one came card. that would be so awsome.
Well, if anyone on this site is still interested, Dampe, Apparently did die in a car crash, then people found out he faked the whole affair. and someone else took on the task, but they are getting to busy to handle it (By the looks of it) but we will have to see, there still alive and kicking by the looks of it.
I agree, Deex. Dampe’ DIDN’T die in a car crash. This is for people that think he did. Anyway, Dampe faked the whole thing and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. At times like this, I wish he WAS run over ’cause of that joke…
does this game have adult link?
I HAVEN’T played it, but if the game, but if it isn’t that long, then…
No Adult Link 4 U! :D
Oops, sorry about that..
The link I provided is NOT Richard (Dampe) Denton’s OOT2d work, but Daniel Barras’es OOT2d
Daniel Barras’es game looks good tho.. :o)
The author Dampé died in an car accident.. R.I.P.
So the developing stopped (I think), however, the game did get quite far in development, and you can download the game demo here:
He faked his car-related death. It said so on the computer news several months ago.
well, Well what a coincidence my dears..
I’m trying to get it for my son’s birthday!
he REALLY wants it.
If anyone can help, Please! do so, QUICKLY!! :D
I need to know too!!
just please can someone tell me how?!
hi, how do i download the ocarina of time to my pc?
i have no idea how to get emulators!!
is there an easier way??