Secure User to User Communication

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 30, 2006
Updated • May 10, 2013

CSpace is a secure Internet chat client that is using public RSA keys with a strength of 2048 bits to make sure communications cannot be intercepted or snooped at. All users who want to use the chat application need to create their own 2048 bit RSA key and maintain a list of contacts that is associated with their public key so that communication can take place.

Public keys are exchanged via key servers. Users can send text messages to each other, transfer files and even use a built-in remote desktop feature if they so desire for full PC access.

The 2048 bit RSA key will be created during the initial program start. You do need to select a password and username, and will receive the keys in the end. Your friends need the key ID that gets created during the process so that they can add you to their contact list and decrypt your messages.

You can exchange key IDs by phone, email or any other way you can think of. Adding new users is a straightforward process. Just enter the name, key ID and click on the fetch public key button to fetch the public key from the key server.

Right-clicking a user in your contact list gives you the option to start a chat, transfer a file or use the remote desktop feature. If you select one of those options the other user will receive a popup window asking for permission to complete the operation. This should work even if the PC is protected by a firewall or similar protection. CSpace currently supports Microsoft Windows and Gnu / Linux.

Update: CSpace has not been updated since 2008, and while it is still available for download at the official website, I'd suggest not to make use of the application anymore because of this. Users interested in an alternative may want to check out TorChat which also makes available encrpyted chat rooms.

Update 2: CSpace is no longer available, we have removed the download link from the review. I highly suggest you try out Tor Chat instead which is still in active development.


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