Google Video Hidden Categories

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 7, 2006
Updated • May 8, 2013
Music and Video, Video

Have you ever uploaded a movie to Google Video? You can chose between one of 38 categories like sports or business for the video to be uploaded to. Now, when you visit the Google Video page again you only have the option to click on a few categories on top and not all of the categories. It is not clear why Google is limiting the list of categories on the official website, only that most of the categories are not displayed to you on the site.

We have found a way to change that, so that you can search in all 38 categories available.

To search a special category you use the "genre:" command. If you would like to search for the keyword fun only in the comedy category you would type in fun genre:comedy in the search box. The following table lists all 38 category names of Google Video, and links to the genre command automatically when you follow the link. All you need to do then is to enter the search term you are looking for to get search only a specific category on Google Video.

  1. Educational
  2. Instructional
  3. Stock Footage
  4. Comedy
  5. Science and Technology
  6. Ads and Promotions
  7. News
  8. Animation
  9. Sports
  10. Home Video
  11. Documentary
  12. Business
  13. Dance
  14. Drama
  15. Foreign
  16. Gaming
  17. Horror
  18. Movie trailer
  19. Nature
  20. Political
  21. Religious
  22. Romance
  23. Special Interest
  24. Thriller
  25. Travel
  26. TV Show
  27. Western
  28. Movie Short
  29. Movie Feature
  30. Faith and Spirituality
  31. Gay and Lesbian
  32. Science Fiction & Fantasy
  33. Action and Adventure
  34. Children and Family
  35. Art and Experimental
  36. Health And Fitness
  37. Independent

Update: Google Video has been discontinued shortly after Google purchased the YouTube video hosting service. You may notice that the links above redirect to Google Search, where the genre command is still valid as of today.

The search covers mostly - if not exclusively - YouTube, and no other video hosting services. The search itself does not work on YouTube directly, only on Google Search. So, if you want to search a specific video category on YouTube use the links above to do so.


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  1. Siddhartha Gandhi said on October 8, 2006 at 4:13 pm

    Thanks, this will be great information for additional channels in my software GVTV (Google Video TV), located at

  2. jagjit said on July 8, 2006 at 5:39 pm

    that was useful piece of information
    thanks for sharing

  3. gnome said on July 7, 2006 at 11:29 am


  4. Martin said on July 7, 2006 at 7:10 am

    Oh sorry, forgot to add, look at the links and you see the categories.

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