Forgot your password? Try Snadboys Revelation

Sometimes it's a small utility that can make such a big difference. Did you ever forget a password from an email account, a forum account or other online service or software? What did you do to find it out again? Maybe the software / script had an option to mail you your password, but what if it had no option like that? The password is right there, but you can't read it, it's just shown as ****** in the program interface.
Snadboys Revelation may help you in this case. It can reveal the password behind the asterisks. Just fire it up, move the pointer over the password field and the password will be revealed in the revelation software. There are other tools out there that do the same, for instance Pants off.
Please note that the program will work fine in many cases, but fails to reveal the password in others. This is for instance the case when you use third party browsers like Firefox or Chrome, and want to display a password in the browser. Snadboy's Revelation can't reveal those passwords.
Here are the program instructions in detail:
- Left-click and drag the circled cursor at the top.
- When you drag the cursor around, you will notice that it reveals the text of the programs that you move it over.
- When you are over the password field release the mouse button and the password should be displayed in the program interface.
- You can now click on the copy to clipboard button to use it or paste it in to another program, a password manager for example.
Update: Pants Off is no longer available on the Internet. The developers have removed the program from their website, and won't support it anymore. A viable alternative is Nirsoft's Asterisk Logger which serves a similar purpose. The program monitors and logs password prompts in Windows automatically, and displays the relevant information in its interface. It displays the program's name, the password used in the application, the date and time, and the path of the program.
It needs to be noted that all programs of this kind may trigger warnings from security software running on your system. They are sometimes - wrongfully - identified as hacking software, and as such blocked from execution.
forgot your pasword
forget my pasword
forget pasword
pasword forget