94 Essential Tips for Staying Safe

Martin Brinkmann
Dec 1, 2005
Updated • Apr 30, 2013

Pc Magazine published an article with such a long title that I had to cut it to make it fit, the article "Maximum Security: 94 Essential Tips for Staying Safe" has some useful tips for everyone who wants to improve the home computer's security. The author has divided the article into several categories, system, networking and wireless, e-mail, Web surfing, malware, and mobile.

Most of the tips can be classified as core tips, everyone should use them to make the PC system more secure. I know its a lot to read and PC magazine has the nasty habit of dividing articles on multiple pages, probably to increase page impressions. If you are interested head over to pc magazine and read the article.

Update: The PC Magazine site has divided the tips into dozens of pages which make it annoying to read. Here is a tip to make it somewhat more comfortable to read.

See the print icon and text at the top of the article? when you click on it you will see that chapter's text on one page. While that still does not list all security tips on a single page, it nevertheless reduces the pages that you need to access to eight, which is a lot less than before.

Keep in mind that the guide has been posted in 2005, and that a lot has changed security wise since then. The network and wireless section for instance suggests to enable the WPA protocol and not WPE. While that was a feasible thing to do in 2005, it could be disastrous today. The article mentions WPA2 but does not recommend it as it is "benign overkill for home users".

You can still learn something about security from the article, but I would recommend to double-check what is being said before you implement it on your computer.


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  1. Administrator said on December 2, 2005 at 1:39 am

    thanks i read this somewhere before but forgot again, my brain ;(

  2. orhan said on December 2, 2005 at 1:34 am

    “I know its a lot to read and pc magazine has the nasty habit to divide the article on lots of pages, probably to increase page impressions.”

    a tip for this nastiness: “print” facility will make all article in one page and ad-free.

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