OUYA video game console available for preorder on Amazon

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 6, 2013
Updated • Jun 19, 2019
Amazon, Companies, Games

The video game console OUYA made a splash on Kickstarter last year when it managed to exceed its funding goal of $950,000 by almost 1000%. A funding of nearly a million is a lot even for Kickstarter terms and beating that goal by tenfold is certainly an indicator of the device's appeal to a larger audience.

Update: OUYA is no longer available and the project website won't be available anymore after June 25, 2019. End

So what's OUYA? It is a multimedia console for Android that you can plug right into your TV to play games, run apps or browse the Internet. While the focus of the system is gaming, it has been designed for other tasks as well like listening to Internet radio, watching videos and movies or running live streams on the TV.

If you missed to participate in the funding of the console on Kickstarter, you can now pre-order the OUYA console on Amazon. What's interesting is that the price is nearly identical to the price on Kickstarter. For $99, you get the console and one controller.


  • 1 OUYA wireless contorller and case
  • Powered by NVIDIA Tegra 3 quad-core
  • Memory 1 Gigabyte of RAM
  • Internal Storage 8 Gigabyte of Flash memory
  • One USB 2.0 port, one USB Micro port
  • WiFi, Ethernet port and Bluetooth support
  • HDMI output up to 1080p HD

What you also need to know is that every game on the console will be free to try and downloadable from the Internet. What's interesting is that the console can tap into Android's vast apps and game offerings. What's missing right now is an overview of the games one can expect to play when it comes out. How many will be exclusive to the console, and how many will be taken from the Android store?

The console will certainly have its appeal to an audience, for instance those who like to play games on their smartphones and tablets, and would like to experience the very same games on a big screen.

Here are a couple of videos from users who got their hands on a developer console. They show games that play on the system which can give you a good impression of what you can expect.

The overall consensus seems to be that the system is ok for its price, but that you should not expect a full blown Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 for the price. What you will get are games that run on smartphones and emulated games mostly, so do not expect the next Call of Duty to make an appearance on the system.

Some reviewers noted that the 8 Gigabyte storage won't be enough in the long run, that it is great for running emulators and smart TV.

I'd be interested in running the box as a media player. XBMC is one of the best frontends out there and if I can connect a large enough USB drive to it or stream directly from a computer, it could very well become my next media player for the TV since all gaming consoles do not get that right at all. I really miss the old xbox that you could run XBMC on for a great experience.

What about you? Are you interested in the OUYA console at all?

OUYA video game console available for preorder on Amazon
Article Name
OUYA video game console available for preorder on Amazon
Interested users who skipped the OUYA console Kickstarter campaign could preorder it on Amazon in 2013 to get their hands on the system.
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  1. Alex said on February 6, 2013 at 5:02 pm

    “Internal Storage 8 Gigabyte of RAM”. I think you mean just 8 Gygabyte.

    There’s many things that come to my mind that would be cool if they were possible:
    – Can you play emulators for N64 or PS1? My 2 years old Acer Iconia can handle the N64 emulator without problem.
    – Will it have Flash support? Or at least we will be able to install the YouTube app?

    For $99, it sounds amazing. Of course you can’t compare it with a PS3 on 3D performance but the browser on the PS3 was really laggy and ran out of memory very often.

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on February 6, 2013 at 5:15 pm

      You are right, thanks for the correction. I agree that a lot depends on the device’s performance.

      1. Morely Dotes said on February 6, 2013 at 9:49 pm

        Man, I’d LOVE to get an Android console with 8GB RAM! Ah, well.

  2. KoalaBear said on February 6, 2013 at 9:43 am

    Yes. Also curious. Mostly only for the XBMC part. Also Android is a good thing.

    Currently have a Raspberry Pi for that. But the interface is a little slow, movies play OK. And the distributions are not perfect. One version Raspbmc didn’t see my USB keyboard. And the latest versions of Raspbmc and XBian only give 640×480 resolution and not changable. Guess I have to wait on the XBMC 12.0 final for the Pi, or it’s already there and have to find time to install it :)

  3. ilev said on February 6, 2013 at 7:59 am

    Link to Amazon broken

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on February 6, 2013 at 8:30 am

      Fixed, sorry for that.

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