New startup from Spotify founder Daniel Ek aims to revolutionize healthcare system

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 12, 2023
Updated • Feb 13, 2023

Spotify founder Daniel Ek has launched a new startup in Sweden called Neko Health that takes aim at an even bigger industry than music: healthcare.

neko health
source: Neko Health

Neko Health identified one of healthcare's major issues: costs. Costs explode all over the world, and one way to address the issue is through prevention and new technologies, according to the startup.

Neko Health collects health data points using full body scans and conventional techniques such as the checking of blood pressure or blood analysis. Results are provided in a matter of minutes to the patient.

An AI analyzes the 50 million data points about skin, heart, vessels, respiration, microcirculation and more. A full examination takes about 15 minutes and creates about 15 gigabytes of health data.

The data is visualized by the AI for the doctor and patient. The AI is a self-learning system that should improve its diagnostic capabilities over time, according to Neko Health. The company has worked "closely with academic research" and conducts four clinical studies currently to "evaluate the safety and performance" of the product.

Doctors use the provided data in their analysis and evaluation of the patient's health.  Patients gain access to the health reports. Neko Health claims that patients are in full control of their data.

How patients experience a Neko Health scan

Patients book a scan on the official company website. The only facility of the company, called health clinic by it, is in Stockholm at the time of writing.

A scan costs 2000 Swedish Krona currently, which is about $190 Dollar. Scan appointments are unavailable at the time, but those interested in the health analysis may add their contact information to a waiting list.

Patients may provide Neko Health doctors with information about their health prior to the website. This may include answering health questions and providing the doctor with information on the health history.

The full-body scan at Neko's Health Clinik takes less than 20 seconds. It is done in underwear, and birthmarks, rashes and age spots are discovered during the scan. This initial scan helps detect changes in future scans, but may also point at issues right away.

A clinical blood test follows, which helps doctors "develop a baseline" of blood fats as well as diabetes and inflammation markers. The third and final part of the examination is cardiovascular. It includes taking full body blood pressure and the measuring of the heart function and heart rate throughout the body. The system may detect arterial stiffness, irregular heartbeat and more, according to Neko Health.

Results are reviewed on the same day with a doctor. The patient's personal health report points at potential issues.

Closing Words

Neko Health's full body scan focuses on skin-related diseases for the most part. The additional examination steps, for example, the analysis of blood, add more value to the examination, especially since results are provided in about 15 minutes on the day of the examination.

New startup from Spotify founder Daniel Ek aims to revolutionize healthcare system
Article Name
New startup from Spotify founder Daniel Ek aims to revolutionize healthcare system
Spotify founder Daniel Ek has launched a new startup called Neko Health that takes aim at an even bigger industry than music: healthcare.
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  1. X said on February 13, 2023 at 9:02 pm

    The source of all humor is not laughter, but sorrow.
    Mark Twain

  2. X said on February 13, 2023 at 5:03 pm

    @Tom Hawack:

    ” …common grave for all?” Yes, but with plenty of quicklime. Or cremation, but en masse, of course, because of the pollution.

    “…recent history where humans were considered meat when still alive.” Since when did that change, pray tell ?

    “… anything can be a joke …” You said. But shortly before, you admitted to stop laughing at some :-)

    1. Tom Hawack said on February 13, 2023 at 5:21 pm

      @X, anything can be a joke indeed, meant or not to be, your comment included. Doesn’t mean we laugh at all of them, though I laugh at yours :=)

  3. Tony said on February 13, 2023 at 3:45 pm

    And while you wait, you will listen to a stream of podcasts that won’t go away.

    1. Yash said on February 13, 2023 at 4:51 pm

      Yep. Just listen to Joe Rogan – litter boxes in school.

  4. Anonymous said on February 13, 2023 at 3:26 am

    lets correct this sentence:
    “Neko Health collects health data points using full body scans and conventional techniques such as the checking of blood pressure or blood analysis. Results are provided in a matter of minutes to any interested and paying 3. party”

  5. Antonio said on February 12, 2023 at 5:47 pm

    Who said Theranos?

    1. X said on February 13, 2023 at 12:02 am

      No one. This is Sweden, not U$ of A !

  6. Oxa said on February 12, 2023 at 4:22 pm

    This article sounds like it was written by AI.

    1. Tom Hawack said on February 12, 2023 at 5:34 pm

      Really? Please explain what makes you consider an article “sounds like it was written by AI”. Is it just a feeling or an hypothesis built upon rational criteria? I’d love to know given that Chat AI is successful in that it “sounds so human”.

      Maybe to prove you’re human the idea would be to write incorrectly, draw as a horse’s tail, compose as a donkey?
      Beware people : when it’s too good it’s likely AI, we all know humans are unable of quality.

      I’ll never repeat it enough : AI brought to the masses is on its way to participate to the certitudes of those who love to assert without evidence. The beat is only starting. Maybe within a few years “Hey, you [auto-censored]!” will be replaced by “Hey, you, son of an AI!”. Within decades, a genius (yes, there are a few, even nowadays) accused of being humanoids because “only humanoids can do that”.

      This world is bound to neither vice nor virtue but to madness. And what if that was true, what if our future was neither a better nor a worse world in terms of ethics but simply a free fall towards madness?

      Worthy article, @Martin. People should die healthy without having to engrave their tombstone with a “I told you I was sick”. Death is not per se a disease. Meanwhile, even if there’s more to adding life to years than years to life, prevention together with healthy conditions and behaviors may very well conciliate both.

      1. TelV said on February 13, 2023 at 11:23 am

        @ Tom Hawack,

        I may be wrong, but I think Oxa intended that comment to be a joke. ;)

      2. Tom Hawack said on February 13, 2023 at 11:55 am

        @TelV, anything can be a joke, anything can have been thought as a joke, anything can have been thought seriously and later on announced as a joke when the audience fails to laugh. OK, might be the audience minus one guy, the smart guy, the genius who understood the thoughts behind the words. I might not be that guy :=)

      3. Oxa said on February 13, 2023 at 2:10 am

        Check out the number of incomplete sentences and awkward grammatical constructions.

      4. boris said on February 13, 2023 at 4:38 am

        I second that. It does not look like MARTIN’s usual work.

      5. X said on February 13, 2023 at 12:05 am

        “… without having to engrave their tombstone …”

        Yes, right: tombstones should be prohibited !

      6. Tom Hawack said on February 13, 2023 at 11:49 am

        @X, common grave for all? That’d be “Come and join the party!” LOL
        Joke aside I can tell ya that wouldn’t bother me, don’t give a damn of what’s done of my meat once it and i split.
        This said I have in mind common graves in past and recent history where humans were considered meat when still alive. That’s when I stop laughing.

      7. Anonymous said on February 12, 2023 at 10:12 pm

        What AI language for “I have no idea, if conditions persist I will scan you again”.

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