Chromebook's Safety Check - check passwords, extensions and security

For many years, Chrome has been one of the safest and most efficient browsers across multiple devices and OS, most popularly Android. The success of the browser also led to the creation of the Chrome OS, which is Google's own operating system for Chromebooks, which in turn led to the creation of Safety Check.
Although not a new feature, Safety Check has been available on Desktop Chrome and the Chromebook platform in version M83. Despite not being new, many users are still unaware of its existence as it’s buried within the settings menu.
However, what the feature does, although simple to understand, is extremely useful. The Safety Check runs a comprehensive analysis of the privacy and security of your Chromebook and Chrome browser. This function covers passwords, safe browsing settings, updates, and extensions.
The check for updates and safe browsing settings are already well known and self-explanatory. However, with the extension checking, the browser ensures that none of the installed browser extensions are harmful, unsecure, or removed from the Chrome Web Store for any violations. The password check is even more valuable as it scans the deep web to ensure that none of the user's passwords have been compromised - a very useful feature.
The Safety Check feature can be found on Chromebooks by opening your Chrome browser on a new tab and then accessing the settings. Once you've done this, you'll find the Safety Check in the left-side panel. You can do the same on Windows, Mac, and Linux, but after clicking on 'Settings,' you can type Safety Check in the search bar. With Android devices, you can click on 'Settings' and then 'Basics', after which you'll find the Safety Check in the list.
By running this safety check, the program will tell you if any of your extensions have problems, whether or not safe browsing is turned on, whether your passwords are strong or have been compromised, whether your browser needs an update, and much more.
Closing words
The Safety Check feature on Chrome browsers and Chromebook makes an ideal tool for Android, Chromebook, and other users to add an additional layer to their browsing security. When combining these features with VPNs, proxies, and other security measures, you can browse the internet securely from your favorite device.

Essentially, Google runs your life. Google is your Mom or Dad and tells you if they are proud of you (Safety Check is all green) or if they believe you are an idiot (Safety Check with red all over and things you need to fix because you have not the proper IQ.)
And believe me, I know there are threats, and I know there are security issues, BUT they are taking that and using to their own advantage and abuse. In the end, and with people letting technology invade their daily lives, 1984 will be a reality. In other words, you will have to agree with them and think like they want you to think or else you will be erased (first from the cyberspace, but if you insist in your own way, from spacetime.)