Geek Uninstaller: remove Windows apps

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 22, 2016
Updated • Jun 23, 2016

The latest version of Geek Uninstaller, a third-party solution for Windows to remove installed software, supports removing Windows apps.

Geek Uninstaller is one of a handful of programs that you can use as an alternative for Windows' built-in uninstaller.

Just like Revo Uninstaller and others, it supports not only the removal of programs, but also the scanning for leftovers so that traces left on the device after uninstallation are removed as well.

The most recent update of Geek Uninstaller, version, introduced support for Windows Store applications to the desktop program.

Remove Windows apps

geek uninstaller remove windows apps

Geek Uninstaller does not merge Windows apps and the list of desktop programs which means that it maintains separate listings for desktop programs and Windows Store apps.

Select View > Windows Store Apps to switch the listing to apps installed from the store. Geek Uninstaller lists applications with their name, size and installation date.

App Removal is simple

  1. Right-click on any app in the listing and select uninstall from the context menu that opens.
  2. Geek Uninstaller removes the app from the system, and displays the leftover prompt afterwards.
  3. This prompt lists Registry entries that are related to the application which you can remove as well.

uninstall windows apps

Geek Uninstaller supports the removal of system applications. It is important to note that you may run into troubles restoring removed system applications. If you remove the Store application for instance, you cannot use the Store anymore and won't be able to download the app again.

This leaves PowerShell as the option to restore removed Windows applications.

Apart from uninstalling Windows applications outright, you may also use other features provided by Geek Uninstaller.

The right-click menu provides you with options to open the application folder on the local drive, or jump to the apps' Registry entry instead.

Other than that, you may also open it on Windows Store using Geek Uninstaller -- provided that you have not removed the Store application -- or run basic Google searches for the application name or parent company.

Closing Words

Windows 10 users can remove most system apps with a right-click on the listing in the start menu. While that is handy, Geek Uninstaller improves the process especially when it comes to the removal of multiple applications.

You may select several apps at once in the program to uninstall them all in one quick operation. This means that you may even select them all to remove all installed Windows apps in one operation.

Geek Uninstaller: remove Windows apps
Article Name
Geek Uninstaller: remove Windows apps
The latest version of Geek Uninstaller, a third-party solution for Windows to remove installed software, supports removing Windows apps.
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  1. Trent said on August 2, 2017 at 8:29 pm

    Does this remove the apps for ALL users? Or just the user you’re logged in as you run the application?

  2. Ken Saunders said on July 6, 2016 at 9:23 pm

    Does the free version also offer “Thorough and complete removal”?
    I ask because it’s only in the PRO version column.

    1. bj m said on July 7, 2016 at 5:22 am

      and Free does not monitor installs.

  3. Anonymous said on June 30, 2016 at 5:51 am

    Can’t belive no one here seems to worry about that tool not disclosing it’s source.. I mean, removing leftover is all about removing nasty stuff left over stuff (most of the time left by shady tools or badly coded uninstall packager)..

  4. rodocop said on June 29, 2016 at 3:10 am

    Great peace of code! My default Uninstaller for last years.

    It cleans after built-in removers very well but if I should get assured in no leftovers – I use small and beautiful Regscanner from nirsoft

  5. Dennis R said on June 24, 2016 at 2:09 am

    Dennis R
    I’ve used Geek Uninstaller from when Revo Unistaller would not work with Win 64 Editions.
    I treat uninstalling programs as a 3 step procedure.
    1/ Run Geek Uninstaller.
    2/ Run Everything to look for leftovers.
    3/ Run the registry section of Crap Cleaner for leftover entries.

    Works for me !

    1. Clairvaux said on May 1, 2017 at 5:21 pm

      @ Dennis R

      I suggest if you have to go through those hoops, then your uninstaller is not good enough. If you have to do 2) and 3), then why do 1) ? Why not use the embedded Windows uninstaller, then run Everything, then run C-Cleaner in a similar manner ?

      For that matter, C-Cleaner’s registry action is supposed to be a very gentle one (that’s why most people make an exception for C-Cleaner when advising against registry cleaners). I doubt it would go the extra mile, finding leftovers a third-party uninstaller would not have found. Then if it does, it really means Geek Uninstaller is not finding much.

    2. Gary D said on June 24, 2016 at 7:44 pm

      @ Dennis R

      Does Crap Cleaner = CCleaner ?
      If so, I think CCleaner is a MUCH more pleasant and refined name for it :-)

      1. Martin Brinkmann said on June 24, 2016 at 8:18 pm

        Yes it was known as Crap Cleaner previously ;)

  6. bjm said on June 23, 2016 at 8:43 pm

    Does Free remove reg dross even though Free does not monitor installs.

  7. clas said on June 23, 2016 at 7:14 pm

    Yeah Martin, good one…thanks

  8. pd said on June 23, 2016 at 5:15 pm

    I’ve found that Revo Uninstaller, the free version, increasingly fails to list a lot of installed programs. I’ve used it for years and on at least half a dozen different machines and it has definitely gone to the dogs in that the developer hasn’t released an update for a long time and it appears to be showing.

    Since it’s broke, I’ve been looking into fixing it. I tried Geek Uninstaller and it picked up the programs Revo missed. Only thing I dislike about it is the stupid non-installer distribution! I’ve never understood why people dislike installers, if they’re not dodgy foistware installers of course. The last thing I want to do is go scrounging through my downloads folder every time I want to run a program. Thankfully Nir Sofer’s ZipInstall helps but it’s not ideal.

    1. ilev said on June 24, 2016 at 7:44 am

      “I’ve found that Revo Uninstaller, the free version, increasingly fails to list a lot of installed programs”

      If I am not mistaken Revo free doesn’t list 64 bits applications, only 32 bits.

    2. Gary D said on June 23, 2016 at 7:26 pm

      If I want to find a program fast, I use SwiftSearch. Type in the prog name, right click, click on “Open containing folder” and Voila.

  9. buffer said on June 23, 2016 at 7:42 am

    Good for removing Windows Apps, but it’s useless for removing regular apps. I uninstalled Bonjour with it. Geek uninstaller did a “scan” and found nothing. However, I still have ten orphan registry entries related to Bonjour.

    1. Gary D said on June 23, 2016 at 7:22 pm

      I’ve been using Geek for 5 months. I have had no problems with it not finding registry entries.
      If you can find the orphans, remove them manually. It is very easy, even for average users.
      If you really want to moan about orphan registry entries, use Windows uninstaller. THAT leaves crap everywhere.

  10. Maou said on June 23, 2016 at 12:00 am

    It doe not remove the Windows store itself, or it’s my eyes that need checking?
    Anyway, I know how to remove manually, but I need a simple method to send the Windows store to oblivion so I can send to friends.

  11. Moloch said on June 22, 2016 at 3:48 pm

    Great, I was looking for an alternative to revo, thanks Martin :)

  12. kalmly said on June 22, 2016 at 2:32 pm

    Nice. An app that removes Windows Store. I wonder if Windows will put it back?

    1. Jeff-FL said on June 22, 2016 at 9:58 pm

      No, it won’t. And you don’t need a 3rd party app to remove it, you can do that from within Win 10 itself, using Powershell. I did this on my Win 10 laptop and it never returned.

      Google: ‘remove win 10 apps powershell’ and look for the HowToGeek result near the top. It has full instructions. I’d link it but this comment software doesn’t allow links without moderator approval.

  13. Mark Hazard said on June 22, 2016 at 2:06 pm

    I don’t think that Revo Uninstaller Pro is “bloated” enough. For instance, it doesn’t do batch uninstalls, as far as I know.
    I needed this capability recently. Nevertheless, I shall be staying with Revo Uninstaller Pro. I used to use Iobit Uninstaller, but I found that it stealthily installed unwanted extra programs, even if I specifically declined them at updates that seemed to be just for this purpose.

    1. Jeff-FL said on June 22, 2016 at 9:56 pm

      Anything Iobit makes should be avoided, IMO. They are shady.

  14. Paul said on June 22, 2016 at 1:17 pm

    “You may select several apps at once in the program to uninstall them all in one quick operation. This means that you may even select them all to remove all installed Windows apps in one operation”

    I don’t think the free version allows batch uninstall

    1. Gary D said on June 22, 2016 at 8:04 pm

      @ Paul

      You are correct. The free version does not allow batch removal. You can only remove one app at a time.
      Mind you, because Geek is pretty fast, it is not much of a hardship.

  15. Antony said on June 22, 2016 at 10:13 am

    It’s not clear to me if this application is only specialized to remove Windows’ pre-installed useless software or if it can delete ANY software?

    1. Gary D said on June 22, 2016 at 10:24 am

      @ antony

      Geek will remove ANY software installed on your PC/Laptop, not just Windows apps.
      I’ve been using it for 5 months and it not only removes all the software folders but also the registry entries connected to the software. Try it, it’s great.

      Thanks Martin, good review.

      1. Antony said on June 23, 2016 at 9:42 am

        That is a good thing and portability is very useful!

        PS: Martin, Outlook keeps labeling mails from your web site as spam even so I keep telling it that it’s NOT spam.
        Maybe Microsoft is upset that you tell people how to delete his useless software. :P

      2. ilev said on June 22, 2016 at 3:54 pm

        And the app is portable which great as well.

  16. vlc said on June 22, 2016 at 9:47 am

    I noticed there’s no OneDrive in the screenshot. You removed OneDrive using this?

    1. Jeff-FL said on June 22, 2016 at 9:53 pm

      OneDrive is system integrated and cannot be removed. The list probably does not display non-removable items.

  17. Henk van Setten said on June 22, 2016 at 9:38 am

    A few years ago, when Revo Uninstaller began to get ever more bloated, I switched to Geek Uninstaller. Still love it for its pure simplicity and effectiveness.

    I guess this new app-removal feature in Geek Uninstaller may indeed be an essential improvement for many of those who got themselves lured into “upgrading” to Windows 10. I hope the makers of Geek Uninstaller will continue to make such necessary functional improvements.

    At the same time I do hope that in their turn, they won’t give in to this natural tendency of software makers to start stacking ever more non-essential features on top of a fine and well-working program, thus gradually changing a fast and nimble leopard into an overweight rhino. The most horrific example of such a change, btw, a true textbook example of how to ruin a once-great program, is what happened over the years to the e-book manager Calibre!

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