Dropbox Invites Now Good For Up To 16 Gigabytes Of Extra Space

Free users of Dropbox know that they can increase the 2 Gigabyte of storage that they get when they sign up through referrals. When you refer someone else to Dropbox, a certain amount of Megabytes are added to your Dropbox storage. Up until now, you received 250 Megabytes for every referral to the cloud hosting service, and where capped at 8 Gigabytes of extra space.
Dropbox today announced that they have doubled up their referral system. Instead of receiving 250 Megabytes per referral, users now receive 500 Megabytes. And the storage cap has been raised accordingly from 8 Gigabytes to 16 Gigabytes.
You can raise the capacity of your Dropbox storage by 16 Gigabytes to a total of 18 Gigabytes if you refer 32 new users to the service.
Some users, students for instance, have already received the 500 Megabytes of extra storage per referral.
What about existing users who already have referred others to the service? Dropbox will automatically adjust the ratio accordingly. If you have referred 10 users until now, your extra free space of 2.5 Gigabytes will be automatically raised in the next days to 5 Gigabytes. No questions asked.
Pro accounts, that is paid accounts, get 1 Gigabyte per referral.
How to refer friends
Visit the referral page on Dropbox after logging in to the service. Here you see your direct referral link, and options to invite contacts by email address, all contacts of email providers like Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo Mail, or friends on Facebook or Twitter.
I personally would not use the invite by email option as you need to enter your account email and password in the form on the Dropbox site. The invite email addresses may take a bit longer but is more secure in this regard.
Existing users can check out their referral status on this page. It lists the users that have been referred by you to Dropbox, and their status. Dropbox differentiates between invitations, joined, and completed. This page lists the new bonus space that you have received thanks to the referrals already, while the main Dropbox page and app currently do not.
This move has been long overdue, as competition in the cloud hosting and syncing space is heating up. With Google rumored to enter with GSpace, and other big players like Microsoft or Amazon already providing services, it will be difficulty for Dropbox to keep up the momentum. Changes like the one announced today help in this regard. Now if they would only raise the basic free space from 2 Gigabytes to a more competitive level.
Hi, Edwin
It’s not true what you say. Every one who use invitation link will receive 500MB extra space. So as the person who share is’s link.
So, dear reader. If you need extra space then use my invitation. It is still possibility to obtain this space, so use the newest link: http://db.tt/KdtmV2g
Don’t believe those who say their links give you xx MB/GB extra if you use their invite links.
You won’t get anything extra for it. Only who invited you gets extra space.
To give me 500MB extra please use this link :)
Always have your stuff when you need it with @Dropbox. Sign up for free! http://db.tt/5T3I7tz
I hate to add more links for dropbox, but if anyone would like to get additional free storage, here is another link… :)
Finally! It’s about time! If you want (in 1 minute) you can have an additional 1GB just by registering to dropbox with my link:
And just drop me an email or a personal message and I will personally explain to you how you can get 5 GB of space for free in 5 minutes.
This company is hugely popular now and well that means more likely to be attacked/hacked by many hungry hackers who just can’t wait to steal all those goodies lol, at the mean time il stick to my personal back up (cd-r’s, mem sticks and extra hdd) at least i will know who got control over it :)
Please sign up via my link and we can both get 500mb extra space :)
use this link http://db.tt/cJ4c4r0 and get 500 mb for free with you sign up
DoJ going against file swap sites, it won’t be surprising they extend it to these sites quoting the same reason ;)
Dropbox is awesome! I already had 17GB from various freebies and promotions they’ve ran, so I hope that I’ll get another 8GB :D
I think anyone can get more than 18 GB by
completing simple tasks (like watching teaching video or uploading something and referals of course)
You can even get 8GB’s worth of bonuses added on, totalling 5 times your original free space (and the size of some older small disk drives!).
Link to my Dropbox promo bonus:
I agree, it is very convenient to use.