Full Tilt Poker, There Is A New Version To Install

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 5, 2011
Updated • Dec 2, 2012

If you like to play poker online you may be a member of the popular online poker room Full Tilt Poker. Users download a software and register an account to play online for cash or play money.

The Full Tilt Poker application receives regular updates that increase the application's functionality and stability. I have recently created an account at the website and was puzzled when the first "There is a new version" notification appeared on the screen after starting the application from the Windows start menu.

I was not puzzled because of the update, but because nothing happened. I selected to install the update only to see the application window shut down completely. A restart of the application displayed the update notification again. It simply would not update the program and I was stuck in update loop hell.

there is a new software to install

I could not play until the software was updated. I then decided to run the application as an administrator, to see if this fixed the issue.

Fix: run as administrator

Windows users can run software with administrative privileges by right-clicking the executable and selecting Run as administrator from the context menu. To run Full Tilt Poker as an admin you need to open the start menu, locate the application there, right-click it and select to run it as an admin.

The update notification appeared again. A click on Ok this time did not close the application without updating the software. The program switched to an installer that copied files on the system.

full tilt poker update

The update took a few seconds and the poker interface was started after the updating finished on the system.

I'm not sure why it is necessary to run the application with elevated privileges to update it. It may have something to do with file access rights.

I should also note that the problem occurred on a Windows 7 64-bit system. It can be that users of previous Microsoft operating systems do not have problems updating the software. Windows 7 users on the other hand may be able to use the information to resolve updating issues with other applications as well.

Have you encountered a similar issue before? If so, let me know in the comments.


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  1. john said on November 20, 2012 at 5:58 pm

    I am using XP and had the same problem and your recommendations here fixed the problems

  2. Anonymous said on June 18, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    thanks 4 the tip, it worked perfect!

  3. Anonymous said on May 5, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    Oh snap ! Worked just right, thank you very much !!

  4. blb said on April 19, 2011 at 8:18 pm

    I have Win 7 and it’s the same, doesn’t work. Not even when running as an admin :(

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on April 20, 2011 at 12:05 am

      Now that is strange. I never had a problem with the updates if I ran the program as administrator. Have you tried downloading the client again?

  5. Ness said on April 19, 2011 at 4:05 am

    Hi, the same thing is happening to me although when i click ok to update the download window appears and then says “could not download update, please try again later” and quits out of the program. After reading your comment i tried the run admin way and it didn;t work either.. Do you have any idea what i can do??

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