Windows 7 Family Packs And Upgrade Editions In Europe

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 25, 2009
Updated • Jun 6, 2014
Windows, Windows 7

With the start of Microsoft's new operating system around the corner it is time to clear some confusion that build up over the last couple of months.

The confusion can mainly be attributed to Windows 7E, a version that has been specifically designed by Microsoft to meet the demands of the European Union. Microsoft's initial plans were to ship Windows 7 without Internet Explorer - actually without Internet browser at all - in Europe.

This would have meant that European customers would not be not able to upgrade to Windows 7. It also meant that they needed to install a web browser from an external source as Windows would ship without one.

On the positive side pre-order prices for the full version of Windows 7 in many European countries were equal to upgrade versions in the United States or Canada.

A new proposal to display a browser ballot screen to users after installation was announced by Microsoft a month ago which turned all things upside down once again. Windows 7E got canned and Microsoft announced plans to ship the same Windows 7 editions worldwide.

This meant that European customers were once again able to purchase Windows 7 Upgrades or full retail versions of the operating system.

Customers who have already pre-order Windows 7E in the European Union will now receive a full version of Windows 7 (which includes Internet Explorer). The price will remain the same for these customers and anyone else who is purchasing Windows 7 before September 1.

Microsoft mentioned in the same blog post that the Windows 7 Family Pack will be sold in seven European countries as well as the United States and Canada. The Family Pack ships with three Windows 7 Home Premium licenses that can be installed on computer systems in the same household. The European countries that will also receive the Windows 7 Family Pack are the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden.

Windows 7N will still be sold in Europe. This version of Windows 7 comes without Windows Media Player. Good news for European customers. Anyone who has not pre-ordered Windows 7 yet should do so before September 1 to benefit from the reduced pricing for the full version of Windows 7. (via Windows Team Blog)


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  1. Jojo said on August 25, 2009 at 11:03 am

    Here in the USA, I signed up for a Microsoft dog and pony show in October where I will get a free copy of Win7 Pro (and maybe some other software). :)

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