Internet Monitoring Software Internet Logger

Monitoring Internet traffic can be useful in certain situations. These Internet monitors can for example be used to analyze what is being downloaded or uploaded to the Internet, or which programs perform these operations.
The SoftX Internet Logger monitors the Internet traffic on the computer system that it is running on. It will log the traffic of all users and create a directory structure based on the username, date and applications that have been used to transfer data to or from the Internet.
Information about the software programs are directly taken from the process list and the data is stored in text files. This means that system administrators who want to analyze the traffic need to either do it manually or use a software program to do that.
Text files are by default saved to the LogFiles directory of the main drive from where they can be accessed. As mentioned previously, the logs are saved by username so that you can easily access the correct data based on that.
Data is then sorted by date and finally by process.
The Internet logger does not provide any options which is a bit unfortunate because of the following reasons. The first reason is that there is no way of filtering applications that should not be logged by the application, the second that the logs can grow quickly.
The Internet monitoring logs are saved in text files which grow depending on the traffic of the software applications. It can happen that the log file of a heavy traffic application (like utorrent or another bittorrent application) grows to a few hundred Megabytes after less than an hour. That's obviously problematic if the Internet monitoring software has been configured to run all day long.
This comes largely from the fact that the program logs more than just connection information.
Last but not least, it needs to be noted that the program has no exit option. It remains listed in the system tray area and there is no apparent option to close it down.
SoftX Internet Logger is a free Internet monitoring software that is available at the developer's website.