Product Reviews Aggregator Testfreaks

Testfreaks is a free website that pulls review scores from review sites from all over the Internet to accumulate all ratings.
Researching products and services before making a purchase is one of the most important steps of the process in my opinion. This is true on many levels, for instance to make sure the product is well designed and fits what you require, or to make sure you are paying the right price.
The Internet offers information about virtually any new product and many old ones, and it is possible to form a strong opinion about a product based on user and website reviews.
Inexperienced users on the other hand may feel lost or even intimidated by the wealth of information offered on the Internet. While you can rely on reviews on any retailer website, it is usually better to consult independent sources as well.
Who to trust is not easily answered. Testfreaks (via Lost In Technology) is a review aggregator. It monitors thousands of review sources and combines their ratings in a visually pleasing interface.
What this means is that it aggregates ratings from various review sites and websites to compute an average score for items. This provides you with a rating that is often closer to reality than those on any single review or shopping site.
Categories range from computer hardware to digital cameras and camcorders, office equipment and even baby and kid stuff. Users looking for a specific product can use the search form on top of the service which will display suggestions during the process.
The approach is best suited to find a specific product quickly as it makes more sense to type in the product name directly than to browse the specific category on the website.
Browsing one of the categories is the better approach if you know that you need a new product but have no specific company and model in mind.
Products can be sorted by various means including price, popularity, name or FreakScore. FreakScore is a weighted index of all aggregated professional and user reviews. The main advantage of this approach is that scores from different review sites and user reviews are combined to compute a better score for each product.
Expert and user reviews can be read to get a better understanding of the score. Testfreaks mashes up reviews from sites like Amazon with reviews published on professional review sites like Benchmark reviews.

Hi There,
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I look forward to hearing from somebody soon hopefully.
Robert Stones
Great service! I really love it!
like MetaCritic, but for consumer electronics. cool
Oh no! you put me in a spending mood again.
Useful site though.