Linux Command Line Fu

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 18, 2009
Updated • Dec 2, 2012

While most Linux operating systems come with their graphical user interface it sometimes is still important to work from the command line, especially if that is the only way to access a Linux server. Linux Command Line Fu is a Digg-like website that lives of its user contributions. Users can submit and vote for Linux command line gems.

Each submitted Linux command - to be honest there are a few command submissions for other operating systems but the majority is pure Linux - lists the command itself and a description provided by the author of the command. There will also be information about the author, the date the Linux command has been submitted and the amount of votes that it received.

Logged in users can vote, leave comments or report a command as malicious. Command-Line Fu can be accessed with an Open ID.

The site features a search engine and will also post new commands submitted to the site to a Twitter account. The site would do good to provide a list of all available commands to print it or save it in a text document format. It is still a very interesting resource for Linux users who work with the Linux command line regularly.

Update: The site is interestingly enough still up and running on the Internet. Commands seem to be added frequently to the site, so that you can still learn a thing or two if you visit it frequently to check out what's new. I do not really think the Digg-like system works for a site like that, considering that your interests may be totally different from what the majority is interested in. Still, if you are a Linux beginner it may be a good idea to check out the site to get accustomed to some of the more popular command line options you have available.


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  1. Linux Coomands said on January 12, 2011 at 7:24 am

    Excellent blog and nice info. useful for all. Thanks a lot….

  2. Ichii said on March 31, 2009 at 4:30 pm

    Command line fu is a really good site, though you may also want to look at

    Shell-fu is similar, but has been around longer, and although it’s got less tips, there are a lot fewer duplicates.

  3. What is Linux? said on February 18, 2009 at 11:21 pm

    Wow, this is a great site. I would say that it is more similar to than Digg, though, as the content is all on the site, not external. In any case, I registered! Thanks!

  4. gokudomatic said on February 18, 2009 at 7:20 pm

    we need the shell anyway. just for installing a new device, we need to see if it’s recognized and that requires the shell.
    It’s an utopia to think we can administrate a home linux installation like windows.

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