BlackBerry Wallpapers

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 20, 2008
Updated • Dec 2, 2012
Mobile Computing

If you want new wallpapers for your Blackberry cell phone you could try and find sites that are offering them, you could try and create them yourself locally with an image editor, or you could use the online service BBsnap which turns Flickr images into BlackBerry wallpapers.

BBsnap can be used without registration which is the most user friendly approach. A new wallpaper can be created in just a few steps. It begins by entering a tag or keyword in the Flickr search box. The service will then automatically pull images from Flickr. A click on an image will load start the wallpaper creation.

The user has to pick his BlackBerry cell phone from a list of available phones first. The selected image will then be loaded. A rectangle with the same dimensions as the screen of the BlackBerry cell phone will be displayed. It can be moved around in the image to pick the best part of it for the wallpaper.

A click on Done will start the wallpaper creation. The wallpaper can then be downloaded to the computer to transfer it from there to the BlackBerry cell phone. The other possibility is to point the browser of the cell phone to that page and download it from there.

Update: BBsnap is no longer available. An alternative that you can make use of is the free wallpaper section at the Crackberry site. While it does not offer you to create wallpapers from images that you have selected for that, it lists many wallpaper downloads for many different types of Blackberry smartphones. All you need to do is enter a search term into the form on the page to find results for different screen sizes.


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